Princeton Discrete Mathematics Seminar
Department of Mathematics
Thursday 3:00 - 4:00
Place: Fine 224 |
Spring 2024
Feb 1: Nicolas Trotignon (CNRS, ENS de Lyon), ``A tamed family of triangle-free graphs with unbounded chromatic number'', abstract.
Feb 8: Alex Scott (U Oxford), ``Reconstructing shredded random matrices'', abstract.
Feb 15: Maria-Romina Ivan (U Cambridge), ``A Ramsey characterisation of eventually periodic words'', abstract.
Feb 22: Victor Reis (IAS), ``The subspace flatness conjecture and faster integer programming'', abstract.
Feb 29: Michael Simkin (MIT), ``The number of n-queens configurations'', abstract.
Mar 7: Bhargav Narayanan (Rutgers), ``Random reconstruction in two dimensions'', abstract.
Mar 14: Spring recess
Mar 21: Daniel Zhu , ``Local limit theorem for joint subgraph counts'', abstract.
Mar 28: James Davies (U Cambridge), ``Distances in colourings of the plane'', abstract.
Apr 4: Linda Cook (IBS, Daijeon), ``A polynomial strengthening of the Kühn-Osthus theorem'', abstract.
Apr 11: Micha Christoph (ETH Zurich), ``Resolution of the Kohayakawa-Kreuter conjecture'', abstract.
Apr 18: Jinyoung Park (NYU), ``Lipschitz functions on expanders'', abstract.
Apr 25: Alp Muyesser (UCL), ``Approximate path decompositions of regular graphs'', abstract.
May 2: Istvan Tomon (Ůmea U), ``Graph discrepancy, minimum bisections, and the log-rank conjecture'', abstract.
Fall 2024
Sep 5: Maya Sankar, ``The Turán density of 4-uniform tight cycles'', abstract.
Sep 9: Jacob Fox (Stanford), talking in the PACM colloquium at 4:30 in Fine 214.
Sep 12: Stoyan Dimitrov (Rutgers), ``BFS versus DFS for random targets in ordered trees'', abstract.
Sep 16: Alex Cohen (MIT), special lecture (note the unusual time and place), ``Incidence lower bounds and applications'', abstract.
Sep 19: Sahar Diskin (Tel Aviv U), ``Component sizes in percolation on finite regular graphs'', abstract.
Sep 26: Martin Milanic (Primorska U.), ``Tree decompositions meet induced matchings'', abstract.
Oct 3: No seminar (conflict with Banff meeting and Jewish New Year)
Tuesday Oct 8 in Fine 314 (note the unusual day and place!): Eli Berger (U. Haifa), ``Coloring the intersection of two matroids'', abstract.
Oct 10: Julian Sahasrabudhe (Cambridge), ``A new lower bound for sphere packing'', abstract.
Oct 17: Fall recess
Oct 24: Yuval Wigderson (ETH-ITS), ``Spectral bounds on the independence number'', abstract.
Oct 31: Vijay Vazirani, (University of California, Irvine), ``A theory of alternating paths and blossoms, from the perspective of minimum length'', abstract.
Nov 7: Igor Balla (Masaryk Univ), ``MaxCut, orthonormal representations, and extension complexity of polytopes'' abstract.
Nov 14: Leo Versteegen (LSE), ``Embedding trees in graphs with large minimum degree'', abstract.
Nov 21: Stefan Glock (U Passau_, ``Discrepancy of spanning substructures in hypergraphs'', abstract.
Nov 28: Thanksgiving recess
Dec 5: Abhishek Methuku (UIUC), ``Long paths and cycles in sublinear expanders'', abstract.
For information about the seminar please send email to
Talks from: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.