*********************************** * Princeton Discrete Math Seminar * *********************************** Speaker: Colin Defant, Harvard Thursday 20th February, 3:00 in Fine Hall 224. Title: Random subwords, pipe dreams, and billiards Fix a probability p in (0,1). Let s_i denote the transposition in the symmetric group S_n that swaps i and i+1. Let w be a finite word over the alphabet {s_1,...,s_{n-1}}. Let sub_p(w) be the random subword of w obtained by deleting each letter independently with probability 1-p. Let v_p(w) be the permutation represented by sub_p(w). For a large class of words w, we study the distribution of v_p(w) and obtain an asymptotic formula for its expected number of inversions. In one special case, this allows us to resolve a conjecture of Morales, Panova, Petrov, and Yeliussizov about random pipe dreams. We then discuss a natural generalization of this setup in which the symmetric group is replaced by an arbitrary Coxeter group W, focusing primarily on the case where W is an affine Weyl group. In this case, for various choices of w, we can view v_p(w) as the location after a certain amount of time of a random billiard trajectory that, upon hitting a hyperplane in the Coxeter arrangement of W, reflects off of the hyperplane with probability 1-p. We prove a central limit theorem for the distribution of v_p(w) and obtain a remarkably simple formula for the associated covariance matrix. This yields a precise asymptotic formula for the expected Coxeter length of v_p(w). The part of this talk focused on affine Weyl groups is based on joint work with Pakawut Jiradilok and Elchanan Mossel.  ---------------------------------- Anyone wishing to be added to or removed from the mailing list should contact Paul Seymour (pds@math.princeton.edu)