
control.root_locus(sys, kvect=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, plotstr='-', Plot=True, PrintGain=True)

Calculate the root locus by finding the roots of 1+k*TF(s) where TF is self.num(s)/self.den(s) and each k is an element of kvect.


sys : LTI object

Linear input/output systems (SISO only, for now)

kvect : list or ndarray, optional

List of gains to use in computing diagram

xlim : tuple or list, optional

control of x-axis range, normally with tuple (see matplotlib.axes)

ylim : tuple or list, optional

control of y-axis range

Plot : boolean, optional (default = True)

If True, plot magnitude and phase

PrintGain: boolean (default = True)

If True, report mouse clicks when close to the root-locus branches, calculate gain, damping and print


rlist : ndarray

Computed root locations, given as a 2d array

klist : ndarray or list

Gains used. Same as klist keyword argument if provided.