Python Control Systems LibraryΒΆ
The Python Control Systems Library (python-control) is a Python package that implements basic operations for analysis and design of feedback control systems.
- Linear input/output systems in state-space and frequency domain
- Block diagram algebra: serial, parallel, and feedback interconnections
- Time response: initial, step, impulse
- Frequency response: Bode and Nyquist plots
- Control analysis: stability, reachability, observability, stability margins
- Control design: eigenvalue placement, linear quadratic regulator
- Estimator design: linear quadratic estimator (Kalman filter)
- Introduction
- Function reference
- LTI system classes
- MATLAB compatibility module
- Creating linear models
- Data extraction
- Conversions
- System interconnections
- System gain and dynamics
- Time-domain analysis
- Frequency-domain analysis
- Model simplification
- Compensator design
- LQR/LQG design
- State-space (SS) models
- Frequency response data (FRD) models
- Time delays
- Model dimensions and characteristics
- Overloaded arithmetic operations
- Matrix equation solvers and linear algebra
- Additional functions
You can check out the latest version of the source code with the command:
git clone
You can run a set of unit tests to make sure that everything is working correctly. After installation, run:
python test
Your contributions are welcome! Simply fork the GitHub repository and send a pull request.
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