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The third transformation is contraction/expansion which is given by the assignment


k1 determines the amount of expansion (k1 > 1) or the amount of contraction (0 < k1 < 1) in the x direction. Similarly, k2 determines the amount of expansion (k2 > 1) or contraction (0 < k2 < 1) in the y direction. For example, the linear transformation given by the matrix

matrx 2 0 0 1

will make the diver twice as wide but will not effect her height. Alternatively, the linear transformation given by

matrix 1 0 0 0.5

will make the diver half as tall but with the same width.


Try out different values of k1 and k2 on the plot to see different expansions and contractions.

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This window shows the side view of a diver. The diver can be expanded and compressed by entering the values of k1 and k2 in the appropriate textfield and then by pressing "Transform". To return the diver to its initial orientation press the "Reset" button. The coordinates of a point on the graph can be obtained by clicking anywhere on the graph. The x and y coordinates will be displayed in the lower left hand side of the applet. To zoom in or zoom out, click the appropriate button.

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