Welcome to Math Alive

Course Instructors

Ingrid Daubechies
Shannon Hughes
218 (ID)/217 (SH) Fine Hall, Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08540-1000
You can find other contact information on a Contact us page.

How is life different from 25 or even 10 years ago? Mathematics has profoundly changed our world, from banking & computers to listening to music. This course is designed for those who haven't had college mathematics but would like to understand some of the mathematical concepts behind important modern applications. It will consist of largely independent 2-week units: You can navigate through the units using the navigation bar on the left.

Each unit is divided into two parts. For each part you can download Lecture notes in PDF or PS format. Each part has its problem set and a corresponding on-line Lab. You can find the Lecture Notes, On-Line Labs, and Problem Sets through corresponding links on the left. You can also find them (for each unit) through the corresponding unit links. The Problem Sets are made available on the Web one by one, according to the schedule; every problem set will be available (at least) one week before it is due. Solutions to the problem sets will also be made available on the Web (after the submission deadline).

Don't forget to check the latest announcements on the Announcements page.

Problem Sets: You need to look at the On-Line Labs and at the Problem Sets (clickable on the left). The On-Line Labs review some of the material seen in class, and give you interactive windows to try out various things. The problem sets contain questions and assignments for you to answer or complete. To answer some of these questions you'll need the interactive pages from the On-Line Labs. On the due dates for the problem sets (see Due Dates or Calendar) you hand in the completed homework only. (No need to hand in a print-out of the corresponding On-Line Lab.)

The videotaped lectures of Spring 2003 course are available on blackboard. To access these, go to http://blackboard.princeton.edu and check under Courses -> APC199 Math Alive -> Lectures

For All Practical Purposes : Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics. 4th edition (December 1997). W.H. Freeman &Co.; ISBN: 0716728419.

If you have any questions, Send Mail To: Math Alive Help