Jennifer Li

Office: Fine Hall 1009

I am an Instructor in the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University. My area of research is algebraic geometry and my postdoc mentor is János Kollár. I received my PhD from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, under the supervision of Paul Hacking. In my thesis I studied the Morrison cone conjecture for log Calabi-Yau surfaces.


  • Hypersurfaces with large automorphism groups, with Louis Esser, preprint arXiv:2405.11666, 2024.
  • Rational surfaces with a non-arithmetic automorphism group, with Sebastián Torres, preprint arXiv:2310.08768, 2023.
  • On the cone conjecture for log Calabi-Yau mirrors of Fano 3-folds, preprint arXiv:2310.02962, 2023.
  • A cone conjecture for log Calabi-Yau surfaces, preprint arXiv:2207.12483, 2022.
  • Non-symplectic automorphisms of order multiple of seven on K3 surfaces, with Renee Bell, Paola Comparin, Alejandra Rincón-Hidalgo, Alessandra Sarti, and Aline Zanardini, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra , Vol.228, Issue 4, April 2024.

Selected Research Posters


  • By Hoff, Stenger (Nov 2021): On the numerical dimension of Calabi-Yau 3-folds of Picard number 2 [Notes The PDF icon]
  • By Felten, Petracci, Robins (Sep 2021): Deformations of log Calabi-Yau pairs can be obstructed [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Sketch of the proof of Birkar-Cascini-Hacon-McKernan [Notes The PDF icon]
  • By Dinh, Oguiso, Yu (June 2021): Smooth complex projective rational surfaces with infinitely many real forms [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Hurwitz Numbers and Monodromy Representations [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Mathematics in Kaleidoscopes [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Elliptic Fibrations of a K3 Surface [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Mutation Equivalent Fano Polygons [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • The Cone Theorem for Smooth Projective Varieties [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Plabic Graphs and the Totally Nonnegative Grassmannians [Abstract The PDF icon] [Slides The PDF icon]
  • The Ample Cone of a K3 Surface [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Moduli of Weighted Marked Curves of Genus Zero [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Tesselations [Slides The PDF icon] [Worksheet The PDF icon]
  • Symplectic Toric Manifolds and Delzant Polytopes [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Convex Reflexive Lattice Polygons and the Number 12 [Abstract The PDF icon] [Slides The PDF icon]
  • Toric Surface Singularities and Their Resolutions [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Du Val Singularities [Abstract The PDF icon] [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Bézout's Theorem [Abstract The PDF icon] [Slides The PDF icon]
  • Rational Ruled Surfaces [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Toric Varieties as Quotients of Affine Space [Notes The PDF icon]
  • The Riemann-Hurwitz Formula [Notes The PDF icon]
  • Quadratic Reciprocity [Slides The PDF icon]
  • An Introduction to Sage [Slides The PDF icon]
  • Congruent Numbers and Elliptic Curves [Slides The PDF icon]
  • A Variation on the Four Color Problem [Abstract The PDF icon] [Slides The PDF icon]



During Spring 2024, I am the Course Head for MAT 201: Multivariable Calculus.

MAT 202 Linear Algebra with Applications : Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022 (Course Head), Spring 2022
MAT 201 Multivariable Calculus: Fall 2021

The University of Massachusetts, Amherst
MATH 235 Linear Algebra: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Fall 2019
MATH 132 Calculus II: Fall 2020
MATH 233 Multivariable Calculus: Fall 2018

Teaching Assistant:
MATH 132 Calculus II Recitation: Spring 2019, Spring 2017
MATH 455 Discrete Structures: Spring 2018
MATH 131 Calculus I Recitation: Fall 2017, Spring 2016
MATH 132 Honors Calculus II Recitation: Fall 2016
MATH 131 Calculus I Recitation: Spring 2016


During Fall 2022-Spring 2023, I co-organized the Department Colloquium with Casey Kelleher and Emmy Murphy.

During Fall 2020-Spring 2021, I co-organized the American Graduate Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar (AGSAGS) with Roberto Albesiano, Samir Canning, Lena Ji, and Aline Zanardini.

During Fall 2018-Spring 2019, I co-organized the Graduate Student Seminar at UMass Amherst.