
control.freqresp(sys, omega)

Frequency response of an LTI system at multiple angular frequencies.


sys: StateSpace or TransferFunction

Linear system

omega: array_like

List of frequencies


mag: ndarray

phase: ndarray

omega: list, tuple, or ndarray

See also

evalfr, bode


This function is a wrapper for StateSpace.freqresp and TransferFunction.freqresp. The output omega is a sorted version of the input omega.


>>> sys = ss("1. -2; 3. -4", "5.; 7", "6. 8", "9.")
>>> mag, phase, omega = freqresp(sys, [0.1, 1., 10.])
>>> mag
array([[[ 58.8576682 ,  49.64876635,  13.40825927]]])
>>> phase
array([[[-0.05408304, -0.44563154, -0.66837155]]])


Add example with MIMO system

#>>> sys = rss(3, 2, 2) #>>> mag, phase, omega = freqresp(sys, [0.1, 1., 10.]) #>>> mag[0, 1, :] #array([ 55.43747231, 42.47766549, 1.97225895]) #>>> phase[1, 0, :] #array([-0.12611087, -1.14294316, 2.5764547 ]) #>>> # This is the magnitude of the frequency response from the 2nd #>>> # input to the 1st output, and the phase (in radians) of the #>>> # frequency response from the 1st input to the 2nd output, for #>>> # s = 0.1i, i, 10i.