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2. Installation

2.1 How to obtain LPNucleolus

Please contact the author Sven Klauke via

2.2 Requirements

LPNucleolus requires the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GNU MP). It has been successfully tested with version 4.0.1 of GNU MP. GNU MP can be downloaded via

LPNucleolus also requires the cdd library (current version is cddlib-092) written by Komei Fukuda. This excellent package performs all the computations related to convex polyhedra like solving linear programs and vertex enumeration. It can be downloaded via the author's homepage

2.3 Compilation and installation

In order to compile and install LPNucleolus on your system, type the following in the base directory of the LPNucleolus distribution:

% make
% make install

NOTE: 'make install' copies the executable to '/usr/local/bin', so you have to be the superuser to do that. If you skip this, use the executable in the 'lpnucleolus'-directory.

Since LPNucleolus uses

you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to the the author via

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