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1. Introduction

LPNucleolus computes the prenucleolus of a cooperative game with transferable utility (TU game) by solving a sequence of linear programs as described by Maschler, Peleg and Shapley (Geometric Properties of the kernel, nucleolus, and related solution concepts, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1979).

1.1 Changes

0.1: First stable version (fairly untested)

1.2 Bugs and ToDo-List

The values defining the coalitional game in '' must be integers. Floating point numbers will get truncated to their integer parts. Release 0.2 of LPNucleolus will be able to deal with rational numbers.

An insufficient memory management causes this version to require a lot more memory than necessary, I believe. Therefore the performance on games with a large player set is quite bad. This is the main task for version 0.2.

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