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3. Usage

3.1 Format of the game files

LPNucleolus reads the game's data from files which must be in the following format.

The first line is the number of players. The worths of the coalitions follow in the order as given by the lexicographic minimal order of the profile vectors of the coalitions, e.g. if the number of players is 5, the profile matrix is

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 1


1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1.

The first line corresponds to the empty coalition, the second to {5}, then {4}, {45},...,{1234},{12345}. Thus the game file for a game with 5 players looks like









The numbers must be separated by either space, tab or new-line.

3.2 General Usage

Copy 'lpnucleolus' to any directory where you want to use it (provided you did not make the systemwide installation via 'make install', then you don't have to copy it). Provided there is a file '' in that directory containing the game, type 'lpnucleolus foo'. You will see the result and the intermediate steps on screen and additionally in the file '' which will be created during runtime. The result of the first optimazation step is of interest in itself, since it is the least-core of the game. Therefore it is written to the file ''. This version (0.1) of LPNucleolus only reads game files with integer values (floating point numbers will get truncated). The next release will be able to read also rational numbers.

The 'cddlib' package prints progress messages to stderr. This occurs during the calculation of the least-core and the core. This may be annoying because it scrolls up your screen and previous messages from the program may disappear. You can redirect stderr to somewhere else to avoid this by adding '2> PATH' to the function call. For example, 'lpnucleolus 2> log' will create a file 'log' in the current directory and write the messages to this file.

The following command line arguments are available in this version. Use them in any permutation with one "-" in front of them.

V: Print the version number.

h: Show available options.

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