2016 Barbados Graph Theory Workshop

Held March 25 - April 1, 2016 at the Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University, in Holetown, Barbados.

For more information, contact the organizers, Bruce Reed and Paul Seymour.


Eli Berger, University of Haifa
Marthe Bonamy, Université Montpellier 2
Maria Chudnovsky, Princeton University
Matt Devos, Simon Fraser University
Vida Dujmovic, University of Ottawa
Zdenek Dvorak, Charles University
Hannah Guggiari, University of Oxford
Chinh Hoang, Wilfred Laurier University
Gwenael Joret, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Peter Keevash, University of Oxford
Ringi Kim, Princeton University
Terka Klimosova, University of Warwick
Dan Kral, University of Warwick
Stephan Kreutzer, Technische Universität Berlin
Aurélie Lagoutte, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Chun-Hung Liu, Princeton University
Colin McDiarmid, University of Oxford
Natasha Morrison, University of Oxford
Jon Noel, University of Oxford
Sergey Norin, McGill University
Sang-Il Oum, KAIST (Daejeon)
Guillem Perarnau, McGill University
Luke Postle, University of Waterloo
Dieter Rautenbach, Universität Ulm
Bruce Reed, McGill University
Paul Seymour, Princeton University
Sophie Spirkl, Princeton University
Maya Stein, Universidad de Chile
Stéphan Thomassé, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
David Wood, Monash University
Liana Yepremyan, McGill University
Lena Yuditsky, McGill University

Open Problem Page

Here is a link to some open questions suggested by participants. Please contribute!


Friday (March 25)

Arrival day.

Friday evening

Presentation of open problems; here is a pdf file of the problems presented, and notes on what we proved about them during the week of the workshop.

Saturday morning

Presentation of open problems (continued).

Saturday afternoon

  1. Presentation of open problems (continued).
  2. Matt Devos: ``A graph invariant from quantum physics''
  3. David Wood, ``Layered tree decompositions''

Sunday morning

  1. Paul Seymour, ``Finding balanced skew partitions in a Berge graph''
  2. Maria Chudnovsky, ``Colouring Berge graphs''

Sunday afternoon

  1. Progress reports (Matt Devos, Sergey Norin)
  2. Sergey Norin, ``Partitioning into parts with component-size bounded''

Monday morning

  1. Luke Postle and Marthe Bonamy, ``Progress on Reed's chi-Delta-omega conjecture''

Monday afternoon

  1. Gwenael Joret, ``Poset dimension for covering graphs''
  2. Chun-Hung Liu: ``Cycle lengths in graphs with large minimum degree''
  3. Progress reports (Maria Chudnovsky, Sergey Norin)

Tuesday morning

  1. Stephan Kreutzer, ``Directed grid theorem''
  2. Bruce Reed: ``Variants of the Erdos-Sos conjecture''
  3. Progress report (Paul Seymour)

Tuesday afternoon

  1. Progress report (Sang-Il Oum, Sergey Norin, Stéphan Thomassé)
  2. Guillam Perarnau, ``Giant component in a random graph with fixed degree sequence''
  3. Maya Stein, ``Regularity inheritance in pseudorandom graphs''
  4. Maria Chudnovsky, ``Even pairs and prisms in a Berge graph''

Wednesday morning

  1. Dan Kral, ``Testing first-order graph expressions''
  2. Sang-Il Oum, ``Graph partitioning and odd minors''
  3. Zdenek Dvorak, ``A conjecture on block count consistency for the four-colour theorem''
  4. Progress reports (Sang-Il Oum, Sophie Spirkl)

Wednesday afternoon

Free afternoon

Thursday morning

  1. Stéphan Thomassé, ``The Barat-Thomassen conjecture''
  2. Eli Berger, ``The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture for tournaments''
  3. Chinh Hoang, ``Colouring with excluded subgraphs''

Thursday afternoon

  1. Dieter Rautenberg, ``Uniquely restricted matchings''
  2. Peter Keevash, ``Forbidden intersections''


Departure day.

Here is Peter Keevash's group photo. And here, here, here, here, and here are five from Matt Devos.