Otte Heinävaara

Department of Mathematics
Princeton University

I've moved to Caltech for a postdoc. See my new website here.

I graduated from Princeton University, advised by Assaf Naor. I'm interested in (matrix) inequalities and what they tell us about geometry of Banach spaces. Currently I'm investigating tracial joint spectral measures, a theory I discovered recently.
My cv and research statement.

Publications and preprints.

  1. Matrix monotone functions. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Helsinki (2018). Thesis advisor: Eero Saksman University of Helsinki open repository, source
  2. Local characterizations for the matrix monotonicity and convexity of fixed order (2018). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.146(2018), no.9, 3791-3799 arXiv
  3. Characterizing matrix monotonicity of fixed order on general sets (2019). preprint. arXiv
  4. Planes in Schatten-3 (2022). preprint. arXiv
  5. A random line intersects \(\mathbb{S}^{2}\) in two probabilistically independent locations (2023). (with D. Bilyk, A. Chang, R. W. Matzke and S. Steinerberger) preprint arXiv
  6. Tracial joint spectral measures (2023). preprint. arXiv
  7. Properties of tracial joint spectral measures. in preparation

Illustration of a tracial joint spectral measure. See also a parametrizable visualization by me, shikhin and zgrep.

Slides and such.

  1. Tracial joint spectral measures: slides (March 2024), slides (May 2024)
  2. Thesis defense (final public oral exam) (May 2024): slides (slightly updated)