Department of Mathematics
Princeton University
I've moved to Caltech for a postdoc. See my new website here.
I graduated from Princeton University, advised by Assaf Naor. I'm interested in (matrix) inequalities and what they tell us about geometry of Banach spaces. Currently I'm investigating tracial joint spectral measures, a theory I discovered recently.
My cv and research statement.
Publications and preprints.
- Matrix monotone functions. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Helsinki (2018). Thesis advisor: Eero Saksman University of Helsinki open repository, source
- Local characterizations for the matrix monotonicity and convexity of fixed order (2018). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.146(2018), no.9, 3791-3799 arXiv
- Characterizing matrix monotonicity of fixed order on general sets (2019). preprint. arXiv
- Planes in Schatten-3 (2022). preprint. arXiv
- A random line intersects \(\mathbb{S}^{2}\) in two probabilistically independent locations (2023). (with D. Bilyk, A. Chang, R. W. Matzke and S. Steinerberger) preprint arXiv
- Tracial joint spectral measures (2023). preprint. arXiv
- Properties of tracial joint spectral measures. in preparation
Illustration of a tracial joint spectral measure. See also a parametrizable visualization by me, shikhin and zgrep.
Slides and such.
- Tracial joint spectral measures: slides (March 2024), slides (May 2024)
- Thesis defense (final public oral exam) (May 2024): slides (slightly updated)