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Linda Cook

Email: ibs.re.kr after lindacook

I will be joining the Discrete Mathematics Group at the Institute of Basic Sciences in Daejeon, South Korea as a postdoc in August 2021. The group is lead by Sang-il Oum.

I am interested in structural graph theory and its algorithmic applications. Broadly, I am interested in discrete math and its applications.

I obtained my PhD from the Program for Applied and Computational Math at Princeton University. I was advised by Paul Seymour.

Here is my CV .

Journal papers:

  • Excluding the fork and the antifork (with Maria Chudnovsky and Paul Seymour) Discrete Mathematics 343.5 (2020): 111786. (Awarded Editor’s Choice).
  • Detecting a long even hole (with Paul Seymour) submitted.
  • Graphs with all holes the same length (with Jake Horsfield, Myriam Preissmann, Cléopheé Robin, Paul Seymour, Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari, Nicolas Trotignon, Kristina Vušković) in progress.
  • Quantifying Structural Relationships of Metal Binding Sites Suggests Origins of Biological Electron Transfer (Yana Bromberg, Ariel Aptekmann, Yannick Mahlich, Linda Cook, Stefan Senn, Maximilian Miller, Vikas Nanda, Diego Ferreiro, and Paul Falkowski) submitted.

Conference papers:

  • A tight local algorithm for the minimum dominating set problem in outerplanar graphs (with Marthe Bonamy, Carla Groenland and Alexandra Wesolek) accepted to DISC 2021 (35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing).

PhD thesis: On recognition algorithms and structure of graphs with restricted induced cycles

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Linda Cook Face

Mural of Mycielski Construction in Fine Hall (with Jonathan Zung and Joaquín Moraga)