Justin Lacini

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About me:

I'm a Postdoctoral Research Associate in algebraic geometry at Princeton University mentored by Prof. Chenyang Xu. Starting in August I will be an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M. I got my PhD at the University of California, San Diego under the supervision of Prof. James McKernan. Here is my CV.

I am organizing the Algebraic Geometry Preprint Seminar at Princeton University.

Research Interests

Publications and Preprints

  1. Singularities and syzygies of secant varieties of smooth projective varieties. Arxiv link (Joint with D. Choi, J. Park and J. Sheridan).
  2. Syzygies of adjoint linear series on projective varieties. Arxiv link (Joint with P. Bangere, to appear in Duke Mathematical Journal).
  3. Logarithmic bounds on Fujita's conjecture. (Joint with L. Ghidelli) Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 128 (3), Paper e12591, 28 pages (2024). https://doi.org/10.1112/plms.125915. Code and printout for the computer program used in the paper: Link.
  4. On rank one log del Pezzo surfaces in characteristic different from two and three. Advances in Mathematics 442, Paper 109568, 77 pages (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2024.109568. Code and printout for the computer program used in the paper: Link.
  5. Boundedness of fibers for pluricanonical maps of varieties of general type. Mathematische Annalen 385 (1-2), 693-716 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-022-02360-5
  6. On the Kawamata–Viehweg vanishing theorem for log del Pezzo surfaces in positive characteristic. (Joint with E. Arvidsson and F. Bernasconi) Compositio Mathematica 158 (4), 750-763 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X22007394

Contact information

Princeton University
Department of Mathematics
320 Fine Hall
