Jonathan Hanselman

Knot Floer complexes:

I have written Python code to compute the immersed curves representing the UV=0 knot Floer complex for knots in S^3. The code is available here .

The process relies on Zoltan Szabo's program for computing the UV=0 knot Floer complex from a PD code for a knot, slighly modified to output the differential. My code reads the output of that program and implements the arrow sliding algorithm described in my papers to reduce the complex to a normal form and represent it by an immersed multicurve. Szabo's program has since been incorporated into SnapPy; in the future I hope to update my Python module to interface directly with SnapPy.

For convenience I have computed the knot Floer complexes for all prime knots through 15 crossings and saved the results in the following .txt files.

     Knot Floer complexes by crossing number:
     3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11a , 11n , 12a , 12n , 13a , 13n , 14a , 14n , 15a , 15n

I hope this may serve as a useful and convenient source of examples for others. Each line of each file stores the knot Floer complex of a single knot, so for instance the 133rd line of 11n.txt represents the knot Floer complex for the knot 11n_133. Here is the data for 11n_133:

     [2, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -2], (3,2), (2,2)^2, (-2,2)^2, (-3,2)

A line in the above files encodes a graded immersed multicurve in the infinite punctured strip S = [-1/2,1/2]xR with punctures at points (0,n+1/2) as follows: So the immersed curve associated with the knot 11n_133 has, in addition to gamma_0, six simple figure eight components. There is one simple figure eight component centered at height 3, two centered at height 2, two centered at height -2, and one centered at height -3. All of the figure eight components have delta grading 2.

Cosmetic surgeries:

As an application of the computations above and of obstructions I found to purely cosmetic surgeries, I verified the cosmetic surgery conjecture for all knots with 16 our fewer crossings. The code used for this computation can also be found in the GitHub repository for the immersed curves code.

HF-hat of graph manifolds:

My PhD thesis included using bordered Floer homology to give an algorithm for computing Heegaard Floer homology of graph manifolds. I wrote Python module implementing this; it computes HF-hat for an arbitrary graph manifold given a weighted graph representing the manifold:
