
Schedule: March 14
8:50 am
9:00 am
Joel Hass
Discretizing area and energy, and applications
10:00 am
Baris Coskunuzer
Generic uniqueness of area minimizing disks for extreme curves
10:50 am
Ovidiu Munteanu
Rigidity theorems for complete noncompact manifolds
11:20 am
Will Cavendish
On the growth of the Weil-Peterson diameter of moduli space
Break for Lunch
2:00 pm
Feng Luo
A dilogarithm identity on the moduli space of curves
3:00 pm
William Breslin
Short geodesics and Heegaard surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Break for Tea
4:00 pm
Richard Bamler
Stability of symmetric spaces of noncompact type under Ricci flow
4:30 pm
Hongbin Sun
Degree ±1 self-maps and self-homeomorphisms on S3 -manilfolds

Banquet will be at 7 pm at Prospect House

(The banquet will be supported by the NSF and other sources.)

Schedule: March 15
9:00 am
William Minicozzi
Mean curvature flow
10:00 am
Christine Breiner

Symmetries of genus-g helicoids

10:30 am
Ian Biringer
Extending pseudo-Anosov maps into handlebodies
11:05 am
Lu Wang
Uniqueness of self-shrinkers of mean curvature flow
11:35 am
Tian Yang
A deformation of Penner's coordinate of the decorated Teichmuller space
Break for Lunch
2:00 pm Boris Springborn Discrete conformal maps and ideal hyperbolic polyhedra
3:00 pm
Nam Le
Blow-up rate of the mean curvature during the mean curvature flow
Break for Tea
4:00 pm
Steven Frankel
Closed orbits of quasigeodesic flows
4:30 pm
Andy Sanders
Closed minimal immersions in quasi-Fuchsian 3-manifolds
5:00 pm
Conan Wu
Volumn preserving extensions and ergodicity of Anosov diffeomorphisms

Schedule: March 16
9:00 am
Sa'ar Hersonsky
Bountry value problems on planar graphs and flat surfaces with integer conical singularities
10:00 am
Jacob Bernstein
A variational characterization of the catenoid
10:35 am
David Futer
The geometry of unknotting tunnels
11:05 am
Maria Trnkova
Hyperbolic exceptional manifolds
Break for Lunch
1:10 pm
Stephen Kleene
Embedded and immersed MCF self-shrinkers

1:40 pm

Igor Rivin
Conformal matching