Rare Events, Transition Pathways and Reaction Rates

Introduction Zero-Temperature
String Method
String Method
String Method

Minimal Energy Path

Dynamics of String

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The string is discretized into a number of points, each being a configuration in space. Equation (4) is solved by a time-splitting scheme:
  • Evolve the string by solving \[\partial_{t}\phi = -\left(\nabla V\right)^{\perp}\phi\]
  • Reparameterize the string by interpolation to enforce, e.g. equal-arclength.

Reparameterization can be carried out once for every few steps.

  1. Fortran 77 codes of the string method for Mueller potential:  string.tar

    Brife description of the codes:
    init.f : Prepare the initial path
    main.f : Main routine for the  string method
    mvper.f : Evolve the string by steepest descent
    mvtan.f, intpol.f : Reparameterization of the string
    force.f : Calculation of potential force
    energy.f : Calculation of potential energy

  2. Matlab code of the string method:  StringMethod.m

    The 2D potential described under section 'D. Illustrative Examples' in
    Simplified and improved string method for computing the minimum energy paths in barrier-crossing events, J. Chem. Phys.,126(16),164103, (2007)

  3. c code:  SimplifiedString.c

    The 2D potential described under section 'D. Illustrative Examples' in
    Simplified and improved string method for computing the minimum energy paths in barrier-crossing events, J. Chem. Phys.,126 (16), 164103, (2007).

    This code requires GNU Science Library - GSL for cubic spline interpolation for reparameterization.

Send comments to Amit Samanta: asamanta AT math.princeton.edu or Weinan E: weinan AT math.princeton.edu

-Last updated on May 25, 2010.