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General Relativity and Analysis at Princeton

Princeton University
Mathematics Department

1108 Fine Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544-5263

Mathematics position

The GRAP center will have a position for a recent PhD in mathematical GR. We are looking for a mathematician with a solid background in Analysis, Geometry and General Relativity capable also to interact with the physics members of the group.

einstein collage

Our mission:

  • To consolidate the strength of the mathematics department in Analysis, Geometry and PDE’s related to mathematical GR.

  • To take advantage of and contribute to the revival of scientific interest in GR within both the mathematics and physics communities as well as to foster closer collaboration, consultation and synergy between them.

  • To reach out across the usual departmental barriers to train a new generation of graduate students and postdocs with interdisciplinary skills, strongly rooted in the physical, mathematical and computational aspects of gravity and cosmology.

  • To consolidate and expand the strength of the two departments in theoretical and numerical relativity, as well as cosmology, by developing our young talent and attracting new ones.




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