Sameera Vemulapalli
I am a Benjamin Peirce Fellow at Harvard, working with Melanie Wood. I was formerly an NSF postdoc at Stanford, working with Ravi Vakil. Before that, I was a graduate student at Princeton University, advised by Manjul Bhargava. My email is My primary research interest is number theory and algebraic geometry. My PhD thesis is titled ''Successive minima of orders in number fields'' and can be found
Course Notes
In Spring 2025, I am teaching Math 293z, a course titled ''Number fields and function fields.'' The course notes, written by Elia Gorokhovsky, can be found
- Shapes of unit lattices in D_p-number fields, with Robert Harron and Erik Holmes. [ArXiv]
- Galois groups of low dimensional abelian varieties over finite fields
, with Santiago Arango-Piñeros and Sam Frengley. [ArXiv]. Code can be found here\span>.
- Tschirnhausen bundles of covers of the projective line, with Ravi Vakil. [ArXiv]
- Brill--Noether theory of smooth curves in the plane and on Hirzebruch surfaces,
, with Hannah Larson. [ArXiv]
- The Steinitz realization problem, Published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. [ArXiv]
- The distribution of lattices arising from orders in low degree number fields. [ArXiv]
- Bounds on successive minima of orders in number fields and scrollar invariants of curves. [ArXiv]
- Sumsets of sequences in abelian groups and flags in field extensions. [ArXiv]
- On intersections of symmetric determinantal varieties and theta characteristics of canonical curves, joint with Avinash Kulkarni. Published in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. [ArXiv]
- Computing unit groups of curves, with Justin Chen and Leon Zhang. Published in the Journal of Symbolic Computation, [ArXiv]
- Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on symmetric squares of curves with low Mordell-Weil rank, with Danielle Wang). Published in Acta Arithmetica, [ArXiv]