List of papers:
Discrete curvature and abelian groups, (joint with B. Klartag, G. Kozma, P. Tetali), Canadian Journal of Mathematics 68, 2016, no. 3, pp 655-74.
Inverse Expander Mixing for Hypergraphs, (joint with E. Cohen, D. Mubayi, P. Tetali), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 23 Issue 2 (2016), P2.20.
Volume growth, curvature, and Buser-type inequalities in graphs, (joint with B. Benson, P. Tetali), submitted to journal.
Bounds on curvature in regular graphs,, in preparation.
Graph powering and spectral robustness,, (joint with E. Abbe, E. Boix, C. Sandon), submitted to journal.