Algebraic Topology
Instructor: Peter Ozsváth
phone: 609-258-4222
Office: 1106
Office Hours: 11-12 on Fridays; or by appointment. Room 1106.
Grader: Gheehyun Nahm
Office Hours: 1:30-2:30 on Fridays, Common Room
UCA: Elie Belkin
Office Hours: TBA
UCA: Kaivalya Kulkarni
Office Hours: TBA
The course:
This is an introduction to algebraic
topology. In the past, I mostly followed Allen
Hatcher's Algebraic
Topology. (Primarily Chapters 1-3.) This book is available
online, as well. I may veer a little bit from my usual material time
around, though.
We will start with fundamental group and covering spaces, and then go
on to singular homology and cohomology. We might make a little digression
into differential topology at some point. Some background (for example,
some group theory and point set topology) will be filled in as needed.
Additional reading:
Munkres Topology,
for review of point set topology.
J. Milnor Topology from a differentiable point of view,
for a rapid and very elegant introduction to differential topology.
R. Bott and L. P. Tu Differential forms in Algebraic Topology
for further reading in topology.
Greenberg and Harper Algebraic Topology.
A classic.
E. Spanier Algebraic Topology.
Another classic.
Announcements posted here.
The course grade is calculated as follows:
Final: 45%
Midterm: 30%
Homework: 25%
Homework constitutes a fairly small fraction of the grade.
However, it will be impossible to do well on the exams without the
working knowledge acquired by doing homework. Homework will be given once
a week or two.
Late work will not be accepted, except under special circumstances. In case
of such circumstances, please make arrangements in advance with
the grader.
Homework 1. Due Tues, Feb 11th
Chapter 0. p 19: 6, 10
Chapter 1.1 pp 38-39: 3, 17
Chapter 1.2 pp 52-55: 7, 8, 22
Homework 2 due Tues, Feb 25th at 11 AM.
Chapter 1.3 pp 79-81:2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 26
Homework 3 due Tues, Mar 18
Chapter 2.1 p 131: 11, 12, 15, 20, 22
Chapter 2.2 pp 155-158: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12.
Midterm Exam:
There will be an in-class midterm, on
Thursday, March 20th, during class time. The exam will be a
closed-notes exam, and it will cover fundamental groups, covering
spaces, and some homology.
Final Exam:
There will be a take-home final.