On the Singular Probability of Random Discrete Matrices Let $n$ be a large integer and $M_n$ be an $n$ by $n$ random matrix whose entries are independent (but not necessarily identically distributed) random variables. The main goal of this paper is to prove a general upper bound for the probability that $M_{n}$ is singular. For a constant $0< p< 1$ and a constant positive integer $r$, we will define a property called $p$-bounded of exponent $r$. Our main result shows that if the entries of $M_n$ satisfy this property, then the probability that $M_n$ is singular is at most $(p^{1/r} + o(1))^n$. Here are a few sample corollaries of this theorem: (1) If the distribution of each entry has mass at most p on a single point, then the singular probability is at most $(p+o(1))^{n/2}$. In the special case of random Bernoulli matrices, this improves the previous bound $(3/4+o(1))^n$ due to Tao and Vu. (2) If the entries are iid with distribution which puts mass 1/2 on 0 and 1/4 on -1 and 1, then the singular probability is at most $(1/2+o(1))^n$. This bounds is sharp, as the probability of having a zero row is (1/2+o(1))^n. The proof refines the approach from Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi and Tao-Vu and makes a critical use of Tao-Vu inverse theorem. (Joint work with J. Bourgain and V. Vu).