*********************************** * Princeton Discrete Math Seminar * *********************************** Date: Thursday 16th March, 3:00 in Fine Hall 224. Speaker: Alex Scott (Oxford) Title: Stability results for graphs with a critical edge The classical stability theorem of Erdos and Simonovits states that, for a fixed nonbipartite graph H with chromatic number k+1, every n-vertex graph that is H-free and has within o(n^2) of the maximal possible number of edges can be made into the k-partite TurĀ“an graph by adding and deleting o(n^2) edges. We prove sharper quantitative results for graphs H with a critical edge, both for distance to the Turan graph, and for the closely related question of how close an H-free graph is to being k-partite. In many cases, these results are optimal to within a constant factor. Joint work with Alex Roberts (Oxford). Next two weeks: no seminar. Week after: Maryanthe Malliaris Anyone wishing to be added to or removed from this mailing list should contact Paul Seymour (pds@math.princeton.edu)