*********************************** * Princeton Discrete Math Seminar * *********************************** Date: Thursday 7th November, 4:30 in Fine Hall 224. Speaker: Krystal Guo (Simon Fraser U.) Title: Simple eigenvalues of vertex-transitive graphs A simple eigenvalue of a graph is an eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix with multiplicity 1. It has been observed that graphs having many simple eigenvalues tend to have small automorphism groups. The only vertex-transitive graph with all eigenvalues simple is K_2 and it is well-known that a k-regular vertex-transitive graph will have at most k+1 simple eigenvalues. We will look at structural properties of vertex-transitive graphs with many simple eigenvalues. ----------- Next week: Dillon Mayhew Anyone wishing to be added to or removed from this mailing list should contact Paul Seymour (pds@math.princeton.edu)