*********************************** * Princeton Discrete Math Seminar * *********************************** Date: Thursday 6 October, 2.15 in Fine Hall 224 Speaker: Eli Berger, Haifa University Title: On the strong coloring of graphs with bounded degree. Abstract: Let G be a graph with n vertices and let r be a number dividing n. We say that G is strongly r-colorable if for every partition of the vertices of G into sets of size r, there exists a proper coloring of G in which every set in the partition is colored in all colors. Alon was the first who showed that if r>cd then G must be strongly r-colorable, where d is the maximum degree in the graph and c is some constant number. This result raises the question, for a fixed number d, what is the minimum number s(d) with the property that every graph with maximum degree d is strongly s(d)-colorable? It is not hard to show that s(d) is at least 2d and the natural conjecture is s(d) = 2d. The result closest to this conjecture is Haxell's proof that s(d) \leq 11d/4 + o(d). In this talk I will describe the arsenal of methods used to attack this problem and show that s(2) = 4. This is joint work with Abeer Shkerat. ----------- Next week: Shachar Lovett. Anyone wishing to be added to or removed from this mailing list should contact Paul Seymour (pds@math.princeton.edu)