The Summer 2001 midterm, with answers.
Week 1: Functions, limits, and continuity Summer 1998: Quiz 1b Summer 1999: Quiz 1
Week 2: The derivative Summer 1998: Quiz 2b Summer 1999: Quiz 2
Week 3: Applications of the derivative
Week 4: Derivatives and definite integrals Summer 1998: Quiz 3b Summer 1998: Quiz 3c Summer 1999: Quiz 3
Test your understanding of definite integrals here.
Week 5: Indefinite integrals; logarithms Summer 1998: Quiz 4b Summer 1999: Quiz 4
more practice midterms
more practice finals
old midterms, some with answers.
old quizzes. Note that their weeks 2n-1, 2n are our week n.
old finals, with answers.