Combinatorial Mathematics (MAT 377)

Noga Alon (first name initial followed by last name at math dot princeton dot edu)
Fall 2018-2019, Tuesday and Thursday 11:00-12:20, Fine Hall 214
TA: Fabian Gundlach

The main webpage of the course:

Course syllabus:

The course covers the basic combinatorial techniques as well as introduction to more advanced ones. The topics discussed include elementary counting, the pigeonhole principle, counting spanning trees, Inclusion-Exclusion, generating functions, Ramsey Theory, Extremal Combinatorics, Linear Algebra in Combinatorics, introduction to the probabilistic method, spectral graph theory, topological methods in combinatorics.


MAT 202 (Linear Algebra with Applications) or equivalent. Some knowledge in Probability will be helpful but is not a must.


5 Homework assignments (30 %)
1 take-home midterm exam (30 %)
1 take-home final exam (40 %)