The average on the midterm was 57/75.  Approximate letter grades can be assigned according to the table below.
        A:   75 - 71    7
        A-:  70 - 68    1
        B+:  67 - 64    6
        B:   63 - 60    4
        B-:  59 - 54    6
        C+:  53 - 51    2
        C:   50 - 47    2
        C-:  46 - 40    3
        D:   39 - 33    2
        F:     <33      2
If you gave me an alias, then all your grades so far in the semester can be seen at   Grades At Midterm . Approximate letter grades have now been computed and can be found there.   Overall at midterm there were 8 A's, 18 B's, 7 C's, 1 D and 1 E.  I averaged the numerical grades and then curved the averages to determine the letter grades.  (I did not drop any homework scores for this computation but at the end of the semester I will drop your two lowest homework scores.)