June E Huh – 허준이

I am a mathematician at Princeton University. Previously, I was at Stanford University and Institute for Advanced Study.

During summer, I can be found at Korea Institute for Advanced Study. Here is my Curriculum Vitae.

- Stellahedral geometry of matroids (with Christopher Eur and Matt Larson),
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 11 (2023), 1–48.

- Lagrangian geometry of matroids (with Federico Ardila and Graham Denham),
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 36 (2023), 727–794.

- Lagrangian combinatorics of matroids (with Federico Ardila and Graham Denham),
Algebraic Combinatorics 6 (2023), 387–411.

- Combinatorics and Hodge theory,
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 1 (2022), 212–239.

- Logarithmic concavity of Schur and related polynomials (with Jacob Matherne, Karola Mészáros, and Avery St. Dizier),
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375 (2022), 4411–4427.

- A semi-small decomposition of the Chow ring of a matroid (with Tom Braden, Jacob Matherne, Nick Proudfoot, and Botong Wang),
Advances in Mathematics 409 (2022), 108646.

- Correlation bounds for fields and matroids (with Benjamin Schröter and Botong Wang),
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 24 (2022), 1335–1351.

- Lorentzian polynomials (with Petter Brändén),
Annals of Mathematics 192 (2020), 821–891.

- Logarithmic concavity for morphisms of matroids (with Christopher Eur),
Advances in Mathematics 367 (2020), 107094.

- Combinatorial applications of the Hodge–Riemann relations,
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 3 (2018), 3079–3098.

- Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries (with Karim Adiprasito and Eric Katz),
Annals of Mathematics 188 (2018), 381–452.

- Tropical geometry of matroids,
Current Developments in Mathematics 2016, 1–46, International Press, 2018.

- Enumeration of points, lines, planes, etc. (with Botong Wang),
Acta Mathematica 218 (2017), 297–317.

- A tropical approach to a generalized Hodge conjecture for positive currents (with Farhad Babaee),
Duke Mathematical Journal 166 (2017), 2749–2813.

- Hodge theory of matroids (with Karim Adiprasito and Eric Katz),
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 64 (2017), 26–30.

- Lefschetz classes on projective varieties (with Botong Wang),
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 4629–4637.

- Positivity of Chern classes of Schubert cells and varieties,
Journal of Algebraic Geometry 25 (2016), 177–199.

- h-vectors of matroids and logarithmic concavity,
Advances in Mathematics 270 (2015), 49–59.

- Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces with isolated singularities,
Duke Mathematical Journal 163 (2014), 1525–1548.

- Likelihood Geometry (with Bernd Sturmfels),
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, 63–117, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2108, Springer, 2014.

- Varieties with maximum likelihood degree one,
Journal of Algebraic Statistics 5 (2014), 1–17.

- The maximum likelihood degree of a very affine variety,
Compositio Mathematica 149 (2013), 1245–1266.

- Log-concavity of characteristic polynomials and the Bergman fan of matroids (with Eric Katz),
Mathematische Annalen 354 (2012), 1103–1116.

- Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces and the chromatic polynomial of graphs,
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), 907–927.

- The Bergman fan of a polymatroid (with Colin Crowley, Matt Larson, Connor Simpson, and Botong Wang),
arXiv preprint.

- Singular Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries (with Tom Braden, Jacob Matherne, Nick Proudfoot, and Botong Wang),
arXiv preprint.

- Hodge-Riemann relations for Potts model partition functions (with Petter Brändén),
arXiv preprint.

- A counterexample to the geometric Chevalley–Warning conjecture,
arXiv preprint.

- Correspondences between projective planes,
arXiv preprint.

- (June 2026) 40 Years of Higher Dimensional Geometry, Princeton University.

- (September 2025) Stelson Lectures, Georgia Institute of Technology.

- (July 2025) Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry, Colorado State University.

- (July 2025) Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Miami.

- (May 2025) Women and Mathematics 2025, Princeton University.

- (April 2025) Duke Mathematics Journal Conference, Duke University.

- (February 2025) Department Colloquium, Stony Brook University.

- (February 2025) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Stony Brook University.

- (February 2025) Mathematical Conversations, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (September 2024) Members Colloquium, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (September 2024) Ziwet Lectures, University of Michigan.

- (July 2024) Suzhou Workshop on Matroid Theory, Soochow University.

- (March 2024) The 30th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (October 2023) KMS Annual Meeting, Seoul National University, Online.

- (October 2023) Chow Lectures, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Leipzig.

- (August 2023) Public Lecture, Ho-Am Foundation.

- (July 2023) Opening Conference, Center for Mathematical Challenges, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (January 2023) Matroids - Combinatorics, Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Fields Institute, Online.

- (December 2022) Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, BrainLink, Incheon, Online.

- (November 2022) Conversation, KSEA, Online.

- (November 2022) Postech Fields Medal Open Lectures, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Online.

- (October 2022) Global KMS International Conference, Online.

- (October 2022) Cascade Lectures in Combinatorics, Online.

- (August 2022) Commencement, Seoul National University.

- (August 2022) Korea Science Festival, Seoul.

- (August 2022) Conversation, KAIST.

- (August 2022) KAST Science Camp, Deajeon.

- (July 2022) Colloquium, Seoul National University.

- (July 2022) Public Lecture, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (July 2022) International Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki.

- (June 2022) Combinatorial, Computational, and Applied Algebraic Geometry (Sturmfels 60), University of Washington.

- (May 2022) Göran Gustafsson Lectures in Mathematics, Institute Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm.

- (May 2022) Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics, University of Minnesota.

- (March 2022) Department Colloquium, Stony Brook University.

- (March 2022) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Stony Brook University.

- (February 2022) CRC Colloquium, Goethe University Frankfurt, Online.

- (December 2021) Math Club, Princeton University.

- (November 2021) Faces of Singularity Theory, CIRM, Luminy.

- (October 2021) P-positivity in matroid theory and related topics, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Online.

- (September 2021) Department Colloquium, Princeton University.

- (September 2021) Zoom Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Online.

- (September 2021) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Princeton University.

- (May 2021) Department Colloquium, Sungshin Women's University.

- (May 2021) Department Colloquium, Seoul National University.

- (May 2021) Networking Seminar, Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

- (May 2021) Department Colloquium, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (April 2021) KIAS Plenary Lecture, Korean Mathematical Society Spring Meeting.

- (April 2021) Department Colloquium, Yonsei University.

- (April 2021) Algebraic Geometry and Polyhedra, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics.

- (March 2021) Recent Developments in Hodge Theory, Institute for Mathematical Sciences in the Americas.

- (November 2020) Gongju Algebraic Geometry Workshop, Gongju.

- (November 2020) Department Colloquium, Soochow University, Online.

- (August 2020) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon.

- (July 2020) KIAS Workshop on Combinatorial Problems of Algebraic Origin, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (March 2020) Abraham Robinson Memorial Lectures, Yale University.

- (January 2020) Department Colloquium, Dartmouth College.

- (January 2020) Department Colloquium, Georgia Institute of Technology.

- (November 2019) Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of Sydney.

- (November 2019) Department Colloquium, University of Sydney.

- (November 2019) Simon Marais Memorial Lectures, University of Sydney.

- (October 2019) Facets of Algebraic Geometry (Fulton 80), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

- (October 2019) Members’ Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (July 2019) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, KAIST.

- (April 2019) Simons Lectures in Mathematics, MIT.

- (April 2019) Algebra and Number Theory Day, Johns Hopkins University.

- (March 2019) Department Colloquium, University of Tennessee.

- (March 2019) Simons Collaboration on Algorithms and Geometry Meeting, Simons Foundation.

- (March 2019) AMS Graduate Student Chapter Colloquium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

- (March 2019) Commutative Algebra Seminar, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

- (February 2019) Department Colloquium, Harvard University.

- (February 2019) Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (February 2019) Beyond Randomized Rounding and the Probabilistic Method, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.

- (November 2018) Number Theory Seminar, Duke University.

- (November 2018) Mathematical Conversations, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (October 2018) Distinguished Lecture Series, Stanford University.

- (October 2018) Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties, CIRM, Luminy.

- (August 2018) International Congress of Mathematicians, Rio de Janeiro.

- (June 2018) Combinatorics and Hodge Theory, Nordfjordeid Summer School 2018, Nordfjordeid.

- (May 2018) Andrzej Jankowski Memorial Lecture, University of Gdańsk.

- (April 2018) Tropical Geometry and Amoebas in Higher Dimension, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

- (April 2018) AGNES 2018, Rutgers University.

- (April 2018) Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Texas A&M University.

- (March 2018) Members’ Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (March 2018) Department Colloquium, Indiana University.

- (March 2018) AMS Central Sectional Meeting, Ohio State University.

- (March 2018) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Princeton University.

- (February 2018) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology.

- (December 2017) Department Colloquium, Rutgers University.

- (December 2017) 75 Years of Mathematics in Mexico, UNAM.

- (November 2017) Berlin-Leipzig Seminar on Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics, Freie Universität Berlin.

- (October 2017) Geometric and topological combinatorics: Modern techniques and methods, MSRI.

- (September 2017) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

- (September 2017) Instruments of Algebraic Geometry, Bucharest.

- (July 2017) Math League, College of New Jersey.

- (July 2017) Department Colloquium, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (July 2017) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics.

- (July 2017) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, POSTECH.

- (July 2017) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, KAIST.

- (June 2017) Hyperplane Arrangements and Singularities, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (June 2017) MEGA 2017: Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry, Sophia Antipolis University, Nice.

- (June 2017) Arrangements and beyond: Combinatorics, Geometry, Topology, and Applications, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa.

- (May 2017) Nonarchimedean and Tropical Geometry, Simons Symposia, Schloss Elmau.

- (April 2017) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University.

- (March 2017) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Rutgers University.

- (December 2016) Asymptotic Phenomena in Local Algebra and Singularity, Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach.

- (December 2016) 11th Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry Day, Amsterdam.

- (December 2016) Mathematical Conversations, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (November 2016) Topology and Geometry in a Discrete Setting, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Providence.

- (November 2016) Current Developments in Mathematics, Harvard University.

- (November 2016) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Columbia University.

- (October 2016) Department Colloquium, Cornell University.

- (October 2016) Convexity in Algebraic Geometry, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto.

- (August 2016) The First Joint Meeting Brazil-Italy in Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro.

- (August 2016) Summer Conference on Hyperplane Arrangements, Hokkaido University, Sapporo.

- (July 2016) Summer School in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto.

- (June 2016) Erdős Lectures in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

- (June 2016) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

- (June 2016) Department Colloquium, Yonsei University.

- (April 2016) Department Colloquium, Cornell University.

- (April 2016) Department Colloquium, University of Washington.

- (April 2016) Combinatorics Seminar, University of Washington.

- (April 2016) Geometry, Algebra, Singularities, and Combinatorics, Northeastern University.

- (April 2016) Department Colloquium, Northeastern University.

- (March 2016) Toric Geometry, Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach.

- (March 2016) Topology and Combinatorics of Arrangements, AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Stony Brook University.

- (February 2016) Algebra-Number Theory Seminar, University of Maryland.

- (February 2016) Undergraduate Math Colloquium, Princeton University.

- (January 2016) Borel Seminar, Les Diablerets.

- (January 2016) Combinatorial Algebra Meets Algebraic Combinatorics, London, Ontario.

- (January 2016) Hodge theory in combinatorics, Georgia Institute of Technology.

- (January 2016) Combinatorics Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology.

- (December 2015) BATMOBYLE, Biannual Algebraic Tropical Meetings of Brown and Yale, Yale University.

- (December 2015) Valley Geometry Seminar, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

- (November 2015) Modern Schubert Calculus, AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting, Rutgers University.

- (November 2015) Members’ Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (October 2015) Combinatorial and Experimental Methods in Commutative Algebra and Related Fields, Osnabrück, Germany.

- (August 2015) Positivity in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, University of Oregon.

- (August 2015) SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, NIMS and KAIST, Daejeon.

- (August 2015) Maximum Likelihood Degrees and Critical Points, NIMS and KAIST, Daejeon.

- (August 2015) Geometry and Topology of Amoebas and Beyond, NIMS and KAIST, Daejeon.

- (July 2015) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, RIMS, Kyoto.

- (July 2015) Computational Geometric Topology in Arrangement Theory, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Providence.

- (July 2015) INdAM Italian-Korean Meeting on Algebraic Geometry, Cortona.

- (June 2015) Singular Landscapes, Centre Paul-Langevin, Aussois.

- (May 2015) Women and Mathematics 2015, Princeton University.

- (May 2015) Harvard/MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Harvard University.

- (April 2015) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Rutgers University.

- (April 2015) IMPANGA 2015, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bedlewo.

- (April 2015) Department Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

- (March 2015) Members’ Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (March 2015) AGNES 2015, Boston College.

- (February 2015) Local and Global Invariants of Singularities, CIRM, Luminy.

- (February 2015) Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (February 2015) Nonarchimedean and Tropical Geometry, Simons Symposia, Puerto Rico.

- (December 2014) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Stony Brook University.

- (November 2014) Department Colloquium, Rice University.

- (September 2014) Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Institute for Advanced Study.

- (July 2014) The 13th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, São Carlos.

- (June 2014) The 26th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, Chicago.

- (June 2014) Optimization and Algebraic Geometry, NIMS, Daejeon.

- (May 2014) Okounkov Bodies and Applications, Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach.

- (May 2014) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Stanford University.

- (May 2014) Department Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley.

- (April 2014) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of California, Davis.

- (April 2014) Hyperplane Arrangements, Wonderful Compactifications, and Tropicalization, Banff International Research Station.

- (April 2014) Warwick EPSRC Symposium on Statistical Mechanics: Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics, University of Warwick.

- (March 2014) Geometry Seminar, Texas A&M University.

- (March 2014) Combinatorics Seminar, University of Washington.

- (March 2014) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Columbia University.

- (March 2014) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University.

- (March 2014) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Princeton University.

- (January 2014) Computational Algebraic Statistics, Theories and Applications, Kyoto.

- (January 2014) Combinatorics, Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach.

- (November 2013) Singularity Theory Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy.

- (November 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.

- (November 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin.

- (November 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main.

- (November 2013) Computational Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, Bonn.

- (November 2013) Hyperplane Arrangements and Characteristic Classes, RIMS, Kyoto.

- (November 2013) Intercity Number Theory Seminar, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

- (November 2013) Department Colloquium, Yale University.

- (October 2013) Algebra Seminar, Università degli Studi di Genova.

- (October 2013) Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Sapienza Università di Rome.

- (October 2013) Algebra, Combinatorics, and Topology Seminar, Università di Pisa.

- (September 2013) Combinatorial Methods in Topology and Algebra 2013, Cortona.

- (September 2013) Tropical Aspects in Geometry and Topology, Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, Bonn.

- (August 2013) Computational Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, Bonn.

- (August 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Seoul National University.

- (July 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Hokkaido University.

- (June 2013) Geometry and Topology of Arrangement of Hypersurfaces, Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the RMS, Alba Iulia.

- (June 2013) Inaugural Conference, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, Pohang.

- (May 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, KAIST.

- (May 2013) Discrete Mathematics Seminar, KAIST.

- (April 2013) Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology.

- (March 2013) Algebra Seminar, Virginia Tech University.

- (March 2013) Combinatorics and Optimization Seminar, University of Waterloo.

- (March 2013) Algebraic Geometry Seminar, KAIST.

- (February 2013) Symposium on Projective Algebraic Varieties and Moduli, Yeosu.

- (January 2013) Tropical Geometry, AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings 2013, San Diego.