Giorgos Kotsovolis

Princeton University
Department of Mathematics
Fine Hall
Princeton, NJ 08542

email: gk13(at)princeton(dot)edu
office: Fine Hall 904

I am currently a fifth year graduate student in Princeton University under the supervision of Peter Sarnak. I obtained my undergraduate degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

I am broadly interested in the geometry of numbers, homogeneous dynamics and analytic number theory. A large part of my work is focused on understanding minima of binary forms and spectra of differential operators acting on quotients of symmetric spaces. I am also interested in the distribution of hyperbolic orbits in homogeneous spaces and counting integer or prime points on varieties.

Publications and Preprints:

  1. Bass Note Spectra of Binary Forms
    Submitted, 2024. (arXiv)

  2. (with Katharine Woo) Prime Number Theorems for Polynomials from Homogeneous Dynamics
    Submitted, 2023 (arXiv)

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