Offices: Fine Hall 212 and Equad B322, Princeton Univeristy. Email: eabbe@princeton.edu
Research Interests: Information theory, statistics, machine learning, algorithms.
Teaching: In the spring I teach a class on random graphs and networks. The class provides an introduction to the mathematical theory of random graphs and to various statistisal models that play a key role in the analysis of real networks and data sets. It starts with the Erdös-Rényi model, threshold phenomena, Boolean Fourier analysis, subgraph containtment, connectivity, giant, chromatic number and evolves towards more realistic models capturing clustering and power-law phenomenona. Emphasis will be put on the stochastic block model, spectral graph theory, cascade models and inference of combinatorial structures.
Recent/Selected Publications and Preprints:
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, "Provable limitations of deep learning"
- E. Abbe, E. Boix, P. Ralli, C. Sandon, "Graph powering and spectral robustness"
- E. Abbe, E. Boix, "An Information-Percolation Bound for Spin Synchronization on General Graphs"
- A. Asadi, E. Abbe, S. Verdu "Chaining mutual information and tightening generalization bounds" NIPS18
- E. Abbe, L. Massoulié, A. Montanari, A. Sly, N. Srivastava, "Group syncrhonization on grids" Mathematical Statistics and Learning (MSL)
- E. Abbe, F. Baccelli, A. Sankararaman, "Community Detection on Euclidean Random Graphs"
- E. Abbe, J. Pereira, A. Singer, "Estimation in the group action channel" ISIT18
- M. Ye, E. Abbe, "Communication-computation efficient gradient coding" ICML18
- E. Abbe, T. Bandory, W. Leeb, J. Pereira, N. Sharon, A. Singer "Multireference alignment is easier with an aperiodic translation distribution"
- E. Abbe, J. Fan, K. Wang, Y. Zhong, "Entrywise eigenvector analysis of random matrices of low expected rank"
- E. Abbe, "Community detection and stochastic block models: recent development" JMLR
- E. Abbe, S. Kulkarni, E. Lee, "Nonbacktracking bounds on the influence in cascade models" NIPS 17
- E. Abbe, J. Pereira, A. Singer, "Sample complexity of the Boolean multireference alignment problem"
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, "Detection in the stochastic block model with multiple clusters: proof of the achievability conjectures, acyclic BP, and the information-computation gap" NIPS 16 oral, full version in CPAM
- I. Cabreros, E. Abbe, A. Tsirigos, "Detecting community structures in Hi-C genomic data" CISS 15
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, "Recovering communities in the general stochastic block model without knowing the parameters" NIPS 15
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, "Community detection in the general stochastic block model: fundamental limits and efficient recovery algorithms" update here, FOCS 15
- E. Abbe, A. Shpilka, A. Wigderson, "Reed-Muller codes for random erasures and erros" STOC 15
- Y. Desphande, E. Abbe, A. Montanari, "Asymptotic mutual information for the balanced binary SBM" journal Information and Inference
- E. Abbe, Y. Wigderson, "High-girth matrices and polarization" ISIT 15
- E. Abbe, K. Edwards, "Concentration of the number of solution of random CSPs and Goldreich's one-way function candidate"
- E. Abbe, A. Bandeira, G. Hall, "Exact recovery in the stochastic block model" http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.3267.Update here.
- E. Abbe, N. Alon, A. Bandeira, "Linear Boolean classification, coding and "the critical problem"" ISIT 14
- E. Abbe, A. Bandeira, A. Bracher, A. Singer, "Decoding graph labels from censored correlations: phase transition and efficient recovery" Transactions on Netowrk Science and Engineering
- E. Abbe, A. Montanari, "Conditional random fields, planted constraint satisfaction and entropy concentration" Journal Theory of Computing
- E. Abbe, A. Montanari, "On the concentration of the number of solutions of random satisfiability formulas", Random structures and algorithms
- N. Goela, E. Abbe, M. Gastpar, "Polar codes for broadcast channels" http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.6150 Info. Theory Trans.
- E. Abbe, A. Khandani, A. W. Lo, “Privacy-preserving methods in systemic risk", American Economical Review (AER) 2012. New York Times article: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/09/a-data-weapon-to-avoid-the-next-financial-crisis/
Book chapters/monographs
- E. Abbe, M. Wainwright, Information Theory and Machine Learning, ISIT 2015.
- E. Abbe, Comunity detection and graphical inference, Allerton, 2016.
- E. Abbe, Clustering, MSR-UW Summer Research Institute, 2015.
- E. Abbe, Polar codes, ISWCS 2011.