Hi, my name is Daniel Cooney and I'm a fifth-year graduate student in Princeton's Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics (PACM). I am working under the supervision of Simon Levin on mathematical models of population dynamics in biological and social systems. I am particularly interested in PDE models of multilevel selection and evolutionary game theory, as well as understanding collective behavior and pattern formation in spatial ecological models. For more information about me, you can check out my CV or my papers and preprints below.

This spring, I have been working with fellow Princeton graduate students Olivia Chu and Chadi Saad-Roy to organize a special session on "Mathematical Methods for Ecology and Evolution in Structured Populations" at the AMS Eastern Section Meeting at Tufts University. The in-person section meeting has been canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak, so we are instead planning to hold an online-only session on the afternoons of March 21 and 22 via Zoom. Please check out the page here for more information on the virtual session and an interest form which will allow us to invite participants to the Zoom chat.

Smiley face Smiley face

Here are links to my publications.

  1. Analysis of Multilevel Replicator Dynamics for General Two-Strategy Social Dilemmas (accepted by Bulletin of Mathematical Biology).
  2. The Replicator Dynamics for Multilevel Selection in Evolutionary Games (2019). Journal of Mathematical Biology, 79, no. 1 (2019): 101-154 (journal version, arXiv version).
  3. (with Benjamin Allen and Carl Veller) Assortment and the Evolution of Cooperation in a Moran Process with Exponential Fitness. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 409 (2016): 38-46 (also on arXiv).
  4. (with Vincent Wong and Yaneer Bar-Yam) Beyond Contact Tracing: Community-Based Early Detection for Ebola Response. PLoS Currents: Outbreaks, May 19, 2016.
And here are preprints that I have posted on arXiv.
  1. (with René Carmona, Christy V. Graves, and Mathieu Laurierè) Stochastic Graphon Games: I. The Static Case. Submitted.
  2. Assortment and Reciprocity Mechanisms for Promotion of Cooperation in a Model of Multilevel Selection.
  3. (with Francisco Prieto-Castrillo and Yaneer Bar-Yam) Analysis of Infectious-Recovery Epidemic Models for Membership Dynamics of Online Social Networks. Submitted.

Here are slides from some talks that I have given.