Several of my recent talks are available to watch or listen to online, following the links below.
- Extremal and near extremal black holes, Black Hole Initiative Colloquium, Harvard, February 5, 2024
- Strong Cosmic Censorship versus Λ, Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Gravitation, IPAM, October 27, 2021
- The nonlinear stability of black holes, Joint Online Mathematical Relativity Colloquium (JoMaReC), October 7, 2021
- Dynamical black holes and Penrose’s cosmic censorship conjectures, Singularity theorems, causality theory and all that, a tribute to Roger Penrose, June 17, 2021
- Minicourse: The cosmic censorship conjectures in general relativity Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, Geometry and Gravity, ICTP, Trieste, July 22–26, 2019
- On falling into black holes, Colloquium, University of Padova, June 11, 2019
- The cosmic censorship conjectures in classical general relativity, Gravity and black holes: Stephen Hawking 75th birthday conference, Cambridge, July 4, 2017
- Scattering on Kerr black holes, Modern Developments in General Relativity and their Historical Roots, King's College London, January 12, 2017
- The contribution of mathematics to general relativity: past, present and future, Einstein's legacy: celebrating 100 years of general relativity, Queen Mary, London, November 29, 2015
- The stability problem for black holes and the strong cosmic censorship conjecture in general relativity, General Relativity: a celebration of the 100th Anniversary, IHP, Paris, November 17, 2015
- On the stability problem for black holes and the cosmic censorship conjecture, General Relativity and Gravitation: A centennial perspective, Penn State, June 10, 2015
- The linear stability of the Schwarzschild solution to gravitational perturbations, International conference on black holes, Fields Institute, Toronto, June 3, 2015
- The "inside story" of black hole stability, Mathematical Problems in General Relativity, Simons Center, Stony Brook, January 21, 2015
- The mathematical analysis of black hole spacetimes in general relativity, ICM, Seoul, August 14, 2014
- The dynamics of black hole spacetimes in general relativity, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, August 1, 2014
- The "inside story" of black hole stability, Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity, Grenoble, June 30, 2014
- On null singularities for the Einstein vacuum equations and the strong cosmic censorship conjecture in general relativity, 29th Annual Geometry Festival, Stony Brook, April 13, 2014
- The linear stability of the Schwarzschild solution to gravitational perturbations, Geometric Analysis Colloquium, Toronto, February 14, 2014
- On null singularities in general relativity, Strong Gravity Seminar, Perimeter Institute, February 13, 2014
Some older talks are available below:
- Black hole stability backwards and forwards, Initial data and evolution problems in General Relativity, MSRI, November 19, 2013
- The cosmic censorhip conjectures (part II), Introductory Workshop, Mathematical Relativity Program, MSRI, September 11, 2013
- The cosmic censorship conjectures (part I), Introductory Workshop, Mathematical Relativity Program, MSRI, September 10, 2013
- The Kerr solution as a physical object: stability, Conference in honour of Roy Kerr, AEI, Golm, July 4, 2013
- Null singularities in general relativity, Nonlinear wave equations, IHP, Paris, May 23, 2013
- Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity, Infinities and Cosmology, DAMTP, Cambridge, March 19 and 20, 2013
- Recent progress on mathematical general relativity, Clay Research Conference, Harvard, May 17, 2011
- Superradiance, trapping, and decay for waves on Kerr spacetimes in the general subextremal case |a| < M, 41st Barrett Memorial Lectures in Mathematical Relativity, Knoxville, May 11, 2011
- The black hole stability problem, Hot topics: Black holes in relativity, MSRI, September 17, 2009
- An introduction to the problem of evolution in general relativity, Hot topics: Black holes in relativity, MSRI, September 14, 2009
- The problem of stability for black hole spacetimes, Global Problems in Mathematical Relativity II, Newton Institute, October 10, 2006