(below is most of a letter recently sent to a colleague and which was concerned with the project work) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Letter dated 30 Nov. 20002 Dear XYZXYZXYZ, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 I have been in computational work on "the current model" for some time now and difficulties of convergence have been and are being encountered. But it LOOKS LIKE that if there is a 3-person game where the values accessible to the two-play coalitions are all quite small (like, e.g., of the order of 1/7 or 1/5 or less) then that the naturally found equilibrium has less favored players somehow compensating quite a lot so that they get rather more than by Shapley value but yet less than by nucleolus, since the payoffs ARE affected by these small values available to two-person coalitions. I should clearly state that the normalization of the game is such that v(1,2,3) = 1 always and v(1) = v{2) = v(3) = 0 . So for WEAK separate coalitions of two players from among the three the model seems to be implying something between SV and Nuc. But it is closer to the "nucleolus value" of (1/3,1/3,1/3), actually. So far I have FAILED TO FIND any equilibrium for a symmetric game where players P1 and P2, together, can get 3/4 (while any other 2-player coal. is worthless). The mathematical set up is not adapted for the possibility that one or more of the "action probabilities" should actually be zero. (So it may be possible to find something appropriate there by adjusting for this limitation.) On the other hand, it may be that this model doesn't effectively capture the anthropomorphic idea that any two of the players may be able, under appropriate favorable circumstances to "PERCEIVE" that they are natural allies and then to behave accordingly. (No equilibrium solution has been found yet for v(1,2)=3/4 but it LOOKS LIKE, if one is found, that players P1 and P2 will get only slightly more than 3/8 each and that P3 will get only slightly less than 1/4! And this outcome would be giving P1 and P2 significantly less than what they would get even by the nucleolus!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% John