An efficient algorithm for nucleolus and prekernel computation in some classes of TU-games presented by Jeroen Kuipers Maastricht University joint research with Ulrich Faigle (University of Twente) and Walter Kern (University of Twente) Recent years have seen an increased interest in computational complexity aspects of solution concepts in cooperative game theory. On the positive side, efficient algorithms have been developed e.g. for computing the nucleolus of assignment games [Solymosi, Raghavan, 1994], the nucleon for matching games [Faigle et al, 1996], the nucleolus of convex games [Kuipers, 1997], and the nucleolus of standard tree games [Megiddo, 1987], [Granot et al, 1996]. On the negative side, several NP-hardness results were obtained, e.g., for testing core membership [Faigle et al, 1997a] or computing the nucleolus [Faigle et al, 1997b] for min cost spanning tree games, (MCST-games). The main result of our paper is that we can efficiently (i.e. in polynomial time) compute a point in the intersection of the prekernel and the least core under the following assumption (CEM). CEM: There exists an algorithm that, for a given allocation x, computes in polynomial time a coalition S (not empty and not the grand coalition N) for which the value c(S) - x(S) is minimal. The theorem has interesting consequences for the computation of the nucleolus of some classes of games. For example, a standard result in combinatorial optimization is that assumption (CEM) holds for these games (cf. [Grötschel et al, 1993]). It is also well-known that for convex games the prekernel consists of a single-point: the nucleolus (cf. [Maschler et al, 1972]). It follows that the nucleolus, being the only point in the intersection of prekernel and least core, can be computed in polynomial time. The theorem can also be applied to the class of minimum cost spanning tree games (MCST-games for short). This class of games has been widely studied in the literature. After its introduction by [Bird, 1976], various results about the core and nucleolus were established (see, e.g. [Granot and Huberman, 1981, 1984]). Of interest for us is a result of [Granot and Huberman, 1984] who showed that the intersection of core and prekernel of an MCST-game consists of precisely the nucleolus. According to our theorem, polynomial solvability of the minimum excess problem for MCST-games would now imply that the nucleolus of an MCST-game could be computed in polynomial time. The result of Faigle et al. shows that this is very unlikely for the general MCST game. However, we will indicate a subclass of MCST-games for which the minimum excess problem is solvable in polynomial time, and for this subclass we can conclude that the nucleolus is computable in polynomial time. One can show that the problem of finding the minimal excess for an MCST-game is equivalent to another well-known combinatorial problem: the vertex weighted Steiner tree problem (VWST problem), which was first treated by [Segev, 1987]. The general VWST problem is NP-hard. This follows for example from the fact it is `harder' than computing the nucleolus for an MCST-game, which is already an NP-hard problem. In [Borie et al, 1992], however, a relatively large class of socalled recursively constructed graphs is introduced, for which the VWST problem (and many others) can be solved even in linear time. Basically, the idea is to construct graphs from a finite set of base graphs. Roughly, a recursively constructed graph is then a graph which is either one of those base graphs or can be obtained by merging (identifying specified nodes) of a number of already constructed graphs. Well-known examples of recursively constructed graphs are trees, outer planar graphs, series-parallel graphs, Halin graphs, bandwidth-k graphs, and partial k-trees. Theorem 7 of [Borie et al, 1992] states that, e.g., the VWST-problem is linear time solvable for such graphs. We conclude that for all those classes of graphs, the nucleolus of the corresponding MCST-game can be computed in polynomial time.