Runpu Zong Committee members: Professor János Kollár (Chair), Professor Weinan E, Professor Michael Aizenman (1:00pm-3:15 pm, May 11th, 2011) Some of the questions are vague due to my bad memory, sorry for this:-) Real analysis By Professor Michael Aizenman: 1. Some questions about absolute continuous functions, differentiation, e.g. commutativity of limit and differentiation. 2. Some questions about convex function (I failed and I cannot remember) 3. State and prove Lebesgue Density Theorem(the density function of a measurable set is a.s equal to its characteristic function, proof see: page 21 of the online note of professor McMullen: Complex analysis 1. State and prove schwartz lemma 2. State the geometric interpretation of schwartz lemma (comparison of the curvature of the hyperbolic metric of the unit ball in C and its pull back after the conformal map) 3. state and prove Poisson's formula(seperate out the real part and imaginary parts of cauchy formula) Mathematical Physics by Professor Weinan E(essentially some basic PDE and the poincare inequality of chapter 5 of evans' book) 1, write down the heat kernal, derive the t->0 and t-> infinity behavior of a heat kernal representation of a solution, with given innitial condition. 2. Use Variational Method to get the equation \delta u + f =0, with boudary condition, f|_{boundary}=g 3. Guess a form of the lagrangian which will give the same equation with another more boudary condition, \gradient f|_{boundary}=v, use variational principle to derive it(guess the form by Green's formula, if you don't remember Green's formula, the professor will help you to derive it out by yourself) 4. Guess a sufficient condition for the sovability of this system of equation (a integral formula that make g and v compatible), prove it (by a cauchy-schwarts inequality argument, without the integral formula condition, one will get an infinity in one side bounded by a finity number another side, contradiction) by Professor Michael Aizenman: 5. (by Professor Michael Aizenman) State your favorite theorem in quantum field theory (I said the non-renomalization theorem of super-symmetric theory which I just learned in the course of physics department I attended) Algebra By professor János Kollár 1. Write down two successive Galois Extension which is not Galois after composition (add square of 2 and forth-square of 2 to Q is enough) 2. State and prove Weistrass Preparation theorem(I failed this problem) 3. State and prove that polynomial ring over a UFD is again UFD (Gauss Lemma) Algebraic Geometry By professor János Kollár 1. When is the function ring of an affine curve UFD (if and only if it is a rational curve, using Jacobian of Curves and some well-known exact sequence relate class groups of open variety to its completion, if class group is zero, then jacobian should also be zero, hence the curve is genus 0) 2. Deduce that all cubic surface are blow up of six points of \mathbb{P}^2 ( I begin with the existence of 27 lines, but failed in the middle of argument, finally I can only prove that generic cubic surface are of such kind by dimension count, for reference to this problem, see: Professor J .Kollár, A. Corti, and K. Smith's book "rational and nearly rational varieties" which contain a specific session on cubic surface, or the last chapter of GHT 52, Hartshorne's "Algebraic Geometry" ) Comments: The professors are super nice in the whole exam, just ask them when you are not clear with definitions, and just state your ideas if you are not technically assure of your argument, thery will always appreciate it as long as you show your potential to solve the problem, good luck!!!