Yuchen Liu's general My committee: Kollár[K](chair), Tian[T], Pausader[P] Advanced topics: Algebraic Geometry, Complex Geometry. Time: 1:30pm - 3:10pm, May 7th, 2014. Real Analysis: [P]: State the monotone convergence theorem. Give examples that the theorem does not hold for functions not satisfying your conditions (non-negative, monotone). [P]: Define the Fourier transform of a L^1 function. Describe the image of the Fourier transform(continuous, vanish at infinity). Prove Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. [P]: What can you say about the eigenvalues of the Fourier transform? (roots of unity of order 4) Can you describe the eigenvectors? (I gave the Gaussian distribution function, but failed to prove that it is an eigenvector.) [P]: Compute the Fourier transform of e^(-x^2). (No idea.) State the residue theorem. Can you use this theorem to compute the integral? (I messed it up, finally they guide me to draw a long rectangular and use Cauchy's theorem.) Complex Analysis: [P]: Classify domains in the Riemann sphere up to conformal equivalence. (I did it for simply-connected domains, using Riemann mapping theorem.) [P]: If two holomorphic functions have the same real part, what can we say about them? (Their difference is an imaginary constant.) [P]: Give me a holomorphic periodic function. (e^z) Give me a doubly periodic function. (Weierstrass P) Is your function holomorphic? (no) Is there any doubly periodic holomorphic function? (no, by Liouville or maximum principle) Algebra: [K]: Define Galois extension. Suppose we are working in char 0, is any deg 2 extension Galois? (yes) deg 3 extension? (no, x^3-2 over Q) [K]: If all fields are function fields of algebraic curves over C, what does Galois extension correspond to? (relative Aut group acts transitively on fibers) When is an field extension not Galois in this case? (when a point in the target has different branch type) Give an example that the composition of two Galois extensions is not Galois. Complex Geometry: [T]: Define the Chern forms. (connection, curvature, determinant) Prove that the Chern class is independent of the choice of connection. (No idea.) Prove that the Chern forms are closed. (I showed c_1 is closed, but couldn't figure out c_n.) [T]: When does a complex line bundle have a holomorphic line bundle structure? (For compact Kaehler manifold, only if c_1 is a (1,1)-class) Explain the reason. (I compute the unique connection compatible with hermitian metric and complex strucutre.) What about the converse (or the if part)? (It's true, I gave the proof of Lefschetz (1,1) theorem, and mentioned c_1 in H^2(X,Z) determines a complex line bundle completely.) [T]: State the Kodaira vanishing theorem. Prove it. (I only remember the rough idea, to find a harmonic section and use some inequality, but I couldn't prove it rigorously.) [T]: Give an example of non-projective compact Kaehler manifold. (complex torus which does not satisfy Riemann bilinear relations) Algebraic Geometry: [K]: Suppose X is a scheme over a field K, L is a field extension of K, then what can you say about cohomology of coherent sheaves on X and on X\times_K L? (Flat base change.) [K]: State the semi-continuity theorem. Do you know an example that the dimension of cohomology groups jumps? (I had some rough idea of Hartshorne's exercise, but I could't figure it out.) Consider an elliptic curve, what is the cohomology for a divisor? (Riemann-Roch, compute h^0 when the degree of the divisor is 0) Can you give an example now? (self-product of an elliptic curve, with a horizontal divisor minus the diagonal divisor) [K]: Define a Fano variety. What is your favorite Fano variety? (projective spaces, del Pezzo surfaces) Is the blow up of a point in P^3 Fano? (I compute the canonical divisor, and state Nakai-Moishezon.) Let's look at the intersection of anti-canonical divisor with curves. (Dividing into two cases, nonexceptional curves and exceptional curves, always positive.) What about P^3 blowing up two points? (same idea, except that I forgot to consider the line through these two points at first.) [K]: Do you know some properties of rational curves in Fano varieties? (rational-connected) Can you prove some result? (no idea) It doesn't matter. Comments: The professors are very kind during the exam. When you don't know how to prove something, they will give you hints to lead you to the proof. Good luck to everyone.