Abbildung - mapping; (sometimes) illustration
aber - but, however, yet
abfassen - compose, write up, draw up, word
Abfassung - writing, formulation, wording
Abgrenzung - definition
abhangen - depend on
Abkurzung - contraction, abbreviation, abridgement
ableiten - lead out of; deduce
Ableitung - derivative, derivation; deduction
ablesen - pick (off), read (off), read out
abmachen - settle, arrange; undo, untie
Abmachung - arrangement, settlement
abnehmen - decrease, take off, remove
Abnehmen - reduction (see verb abnehmen)
Absatz - pause, break, indentation; paragraph
abschatzen - estimate, calculate, assess, appraise, etc.
Abschatzung - estimate, appraisal, valuation
Abschnitt - intersection; segment; cut, paragraph, part, section
Abschnitt auf der x--Achse - x-intercept
absehen - foresee
absehen von - disregard; refrain from
absolut - absolute, unconditional, perfectly, utterly
Abstand - distance
absteigen - descend, come or go down
abzahlbar - countable
Abzahlbarkeit - countability
abzahlen - count, enumerate
achten (auf) - pay attention (to)
ahnlich - alike, like, similar
all - all, every, any
allein - only, merely, solely; alone
allerdings - certainly (strongest possible affirmative answer)
allgemein - general, universal
allmahlich - gradually, little by little
alsdann - then, thereupon, whereupon, after that
analog - analogous
Anblick - look, view
andere - other; next
andererseits - on the other hand
andern - alter, change, modify, amend
Anderung - change, alteration, modification
andeuten - indicate, suggest, hint at, allude to, imply
Anfang - origin, beginning, start
anfangen - start, begin, commence
angeben - indicate, state
angehoren - be a member (of)
angewandt - applied
angrenzen - border, adjoin
Anhang - appendix, codicil
ankommen - arrive (at); es kommt derauf an = it is a matter of
Anlass - motive, motivation; cause, occasion, incentive, reason
Annaherung - approach
Annahme - acceptance, adoption
annehmen - accept, take, assume, suppose
anordnen - arrange, order, command, direct, set in order
Anordnung - arrangement
anpassen - fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate
Ansage - announcement
ansagen - announce, declare
anschaffen - procure, get
anschliessend - subsequent (to), adjacent (to); next
Anschluss - connection, union
ansehen - look at, have a look at
ansetzen - put (on), apply (to); begin
Anspruch - claim
Anstoss - impact, impluse
anstossen - bump against, adjoin
anstreben - strive for
anwenden - employ, use, make use of
Anwendung - application
Anzahl - number, quantity
anzusehen - see ansehen
arbeiten - work
Art - kind, sort, class
auch - also, too
auf - on, upon, on top of
auf Grund - on the basis (of)
aufbauen - construct
auffassen - comprehend, grasp, understand
Aufgabe - exercise, problem
aufgehen - divide exactly
Auflosung - solution, resolution (of)
aufschreiben - write down
Aufstellung - assertion; list, table
auftragen - instruct, order, serve, put on
auftreten - appear, occur, behave, act, proceed
Auftritt - appearance, entrance
Augenblick - moment, instant
aus - from, out of
ausarten - get out of hand, degenerate into
Ausblick - view, outlook, prospect
ausdehnen - stretch, expand, extend
Ausdehnung - stretching, expansion
ausdruchlich - explicit, explictly
Ausdruck - expression, phrase, term
ausdrucken - express, put into (a form, words)
ausfuhrlich - detailed, in detail, full
Ausfuhrung - execution, construction; explanation
ausgehen - proceed from
ausgewahlt - selected, chosen, choice
ausgezeichnet - excellent
ausmachen - consist of, make up, add or amount up to, constitute
Ausnahme - exception
ausnahmslos - without exception
ausreichen - suffice
ausreichend - adequate, sufficient, enough
Aussage - assertion, statement
aussagen - state, express, declare
Aussenrand - outer boundary
Aussenwelt - environment, world, outside world
ausser - out of, outside
ausserdem - besides, in addition, moreover, as well as
ausserhalb - outside, out of
ausstreichen - cross out, delete, erase; smooth out
Auswahl - choice, selection, assortment
auswahlen - choose, select, pick out, fix on
auswerten - evaluate
auszahlen - count
auszeichnen - designate (notation), mark
Auszeichnung - labelling; distinction
Band - volume (as of a book)
Bauart - structure, build, type, model
bauen -