Matei Coiculescu's Generals Exam date, start time, location: May 3rd, 2022, 3:30 PM, Fine Hall 1109 Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes Special topics: the Navier-Stokes Equations, Riemannian Geometry Examiners: Camillo De Lellis [DL] (Chair), Sergiu Klainerman [K], and Jonathan Hanselman [H] I was the last to arrive in [K]'s office, at around 3:27 PM. [DL] asked me what topic I wanted to start with, and I chose Navier- Stokes. N.B. I certainly forgot a good number of questions that I was asked. Navier-Stokes [DL] What is a Leray-Hopf Weak Solution? [K] How do you get that a vector field in the energy space is L^10/3 in space time. First sobolev inequality, then Riesz-Thorin interpolation works. [K] What about the pressure? How do you recover the pressure? [DL] Sketch a proof of the the existence of Leray-Hopf weak solutions I begin by showing existence for a perturbation of the Stokes system by the Galerkin Method. I need to use the cancellation identity... [DL] Prove the cancellation identity, in detail. [DL] OK, let's go on to the actual equation, prove existence for the actual equation. Stated an appropriate regularized version of Navier-Stokes and began. [DL] Is weak convergence in the energy space of solutions to the regularized version sufficient to get appropriate convergence of the nonlinearity? No, need strong L^2 convergence of the velocity. [DL] How do you get strong L^2 convergence? Aubin-Lions Lemma [K] (to [DL]) Why is it called Aubin-Lions instead of Aubin- Rellich (or maybe Rellich-Lions?). [DL] Why can't you just use Rellich's Compactness theorem instead? [DL] What did Leray prove about the epochs of regularity/ set of singular times? Stated the H^(1/2)(S) =0 result of Leray. [DL] Sketch a proof of the result. I began a proof similar to the one in Tai-Peng Tsai's book. Needed to discuss mild solutions and the strong energy inequality. [DL] Tell me about Weak-Strong uniqueness. [DL] What are the two epsilon-regularity criteria in Caffarelli- Kohn-Nirenberg? [DL] What's the main partial regularity result in Caffarelli-Kohn- Nirenberg? [K] What good are Leray-Hopf solutions? Will they help you solve the Clay problem? Physical meaning? [K] What do you know about 2D Navier-Stokes, can you show global regularity? Use the vorticity equation. [K] Do you know any blow-up criteria? Stated the Beale-Kato-Majda criterion. Algebra [H] Tell me about groups of order 35. I instead stated and gave a sketch of the proof of the general result about groups of order pq, with p, q primes p reals } is one such ring, with ideal I = {g | g(0)=0} an ideal that is not principal. [DL] gave me hints to help me rigorously prove that this is so. Riemannian Geometry [K] Favorite theorem from geometry? Bonnet-Myers [DL] State and prove it. Stated and proved it, in detail. [K] Do you remember the Lorentzian analogue from last semester's course? ... no... [K] It is the Penrose singularity theorem. ([K] then remarks to [DL] that I don't appear to like Lorentzian geometry) [K] Tell me about immersed hypersurfaces Stated the 2nd fundamental form, Gauss map, equation of Gauss, principal curvatures, Gaussian and Mean curvatures, all in coordinate-free setting a la Do Carmo. [K] But how can you do computations if you don't work in coordinates! Write the Gauss equation in coordinates. I wrote the equations in coordinates. [K] How about the Codazzi equation? [K] OK, do you remember your presentation from class last semester? Tell me about the Sobolev inequalities on manifolds. Stated the sobolev inequalities [K] How do you use them to prove the isoperimetric inequality? I had not thought about this in about 5 months... so I needed quite a few hints here from both [DL] and [K]. The committee decided to forego an examination in complex or real analysis, and told me to go out to the hallway. After a minute or two, they opened the door, smiles on their faces, telling me I passed. The test felt pretty intense, and I am happy I studied as I much as I did. I only felt nervous at the start (anticipation of the exam) and at the end (anticipation of the result), while I was doing math I felt much more at ease, even when I needed hints. Lastly, I want to thank Ben, Doug, and Dallas for their great practice exams!