Zhiyuan Chen Friday, Apr. 29, 2022. 13:00--15:30. Committee: Chenyang Xu (chair), Lue Pan, Ana Menezes. Special Topics: Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra. [Real Analysis] Menezes: Can you define the L^p space? How do you prove that it is complete (sketch)? Menezes: Are there inclusions between them (for different p)? (I answered that if X has finite measure, then L^q(X) is contained in L^p(X) when q > p.) Menezes: Can you give a counter-example when X has infinite measure? Menezes: Can you give a function on an interval [a, b] that is L^1 but not L^2? Menezes: Can you define the Fourier transform (on R^1) of an L^1 function? Menezes: What can you say about the Fourier tranform? (I answered that if f \in L^1, then its Fourier transform \hat{f} is continuous and vanishes at infinity. I proved the continuity, but was unable to show that \hat{f}(t) \to 0 as |t| \to \infty.) [Complex Analysis] Menezes: Can you state the Riemann Mapping Theorem? Menezes: Why do you need the region is not C. Menezes: Do you know Riemann's orginal idea to prove this theorem? Why is his idea not rigorous? Menezes: What is the proof you know (sketch)? (I sketched the proof in Rudin's book: consider all the injective holomorphic maps from a simply connected region U to the unit disk D, and take the one that has the maximal derivative at a point.) Menezes: Do you need the Schwarz Lemma and Rouché's theorem in your proof? Can you state them? Menezes: Which one of them can you prove? (I tried to prove the Schwarz Lemma, but got confused with some details; Menezes said the idea was correct and moved to the next question.) Menezes: Can you prove the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra using complex analysis? (I said if f is a polynomial of degree d with no zeros, then consider g = 1/f and estimate g using Cauchy's formula. I first said |f| \leq c|z|^d, but this didn't work, then Pan hinted that |f| \geq c|z|^d would work.) Menezes: Do you know the genus of a holomorphic function? (I don't know. Menezes said that's fine.) [Algebra] Pan: Let's do some finite field. What can you say about a degree n extension of F_p (p is a prime)? Is it a Galois extension? (I said there is a unique one in a fixed algebraic closure of F_p, which consists of the roots of x^{p^n}-x. Then I said this implies that it is Galois.) Pan: Is this sufficient? (No. It is also separable, because x^{p^n}-x is a separable polynomial.) Pan: Why? (I said its derivative is -1, so it has no multiple roots.) Pan: What is the Galois group of F_q/F_p (q = p^n)? (Z/nZ.) Pan: What is a generator? (The Frobenius Fr(x)=x^p.) Pan: Now regard F_q as a vector space over F_p, and the Frobenius as a linear transformation. What is its characteristic polynomial and minimal polynomial? (I said the characteristic polynomial is f(t) = t^n-1 since Fr^n=Id on F_q and the dimension is n. I was unable to show that it is the minimal polynomial.) (I finally worked it out under many hints: If g is a polynomial of degree d < n such that g(Fr) = 0, then g(Fr)x = 0 for all x \in F_q gives a polynomial of degree p^d < q which vanishes on F_q, which is a contradiction.) [Commutative Algebra] Xu: What properties do you know about the polynomial ring R = k[x_1,...,x_n] over a field k? (I said Noetherian, UFD,...) Xu: How do you prove it is Noetherian? (I said Hilbert's Basis Theorem) Xu: Prove that. Xu: Prove that if p is a prime ideal of R = k[x_1,...,x_n], then height(p) + dim(R/p) = n. (First I wanted to use Noether's normalization theorem, but was unable to deal with height(p).) (Then I tried to show that in any Cohen--Macaulay ring this equality holds. I needed that if A is a Cohen--Macaulay local ring and p \in Ass(A) then dim(A/p) \geq depth(A). I said this follows from some vanishing of Ext groups but I didn't remember that.) Xu: Consider the ring R of continuous functions on the interval [0, 1]. Is it Noetherian? (No. But I didn't know how to prove.) Xu: What are the maximal ideals? ({f : f(t) = 0} for t \in [0, 1]) (I first proved that any finitely many functions in a maximal ideal has a common zero. Then use compactness.) Xu: For example the ideal I of all functions vanishing at 0, is it finitely generated? (I didn't know how to prove, and then got a hint: if (f_1,...,f_n) generate I, then \sqrt{|f_1|+...+|f_n|} gives a contradiction.) Pan: A discrete version of this problem. Let R be the product of infinite copies of F_p (say indexed by Z, the set of integers). What is the Krull dimension of R? (I said it is 0, but I don't know how to prove.) Pan: Let's prove it. What relations does F_p satisfy (Fermat's Little Theorem)? (I realized how to proceed. x^p-x=0 for all x \in R, so for every homomorphism from R to a field, the image is F_p. Hence all prime ideals are maximal.) Pan: What is the residue field? Pan: If m is a prime ideal of R, what is the localization R_m? (R is reduced, dim(R_m) = 0, so R_m is a field.) (So R_m is exactly the residue field R/m, which is F_p.) Pan: Can you describe maximal ideals of R? (obvious ones, and others given by non-principal ultrafilters.) Pan: How do you prove that non-principal ultrafilters exist? (Axiom of choice.) Pan: Do you know other way to prove there are more maximal ideals than the obvious ones? (Spec(R) is quasi-compact, so it cannot be a discrete set of infinitely many points.) [Algebraic Geometry] Xu: What do you know about minimal model program on rational surfaces. (Contract all the (-1)-curves, then get minimal rational surfaces. I said they are P^2 and F_n for n \geq 0, F_n is the projective bundle P(O \oplus O(-n)) over P^1.) Xu: Why are they different? (F_n contains a rational curve C with self intersection number (C.C) = -n, which is a section of the projective bundle.) (Then I realized that F_1 is the blow-up of P^2 at a point, so it is not minimal; others are minimal.) Xu: How do you show they are connected by blow-up and blow-down. (Blow-up a point on C on F_n, and contract the strict transfrom of the fiber F through p, then get F_{n+1}.) Xu: What is the class of the canonical divisor on F_n? (I said Pic(F_n) is generated by the class of C and a fiber F, so write K = aC + bF and then solve a and b using the adjunction formula.) Xu: In general, consider a ruled surface f: X = P(E) \to B on a curve B of higher genus, E is a rank 2 vector bundle, what is the class of the canonical divisor. (K_X = f*K_B + f*(det(E)) + O(-2).) Xu: What is the class group of a smooth affine conic curve (say, in characteristic 0). (I first said that over an algebraically closed field it is 0. In general there is a quadratic field extension such that the base change is an open subset of P^1. Using this I showed that it is either 0 or Z/2Z.) (But I was unable to classify in which case it is Z/2Z.)