Pavel Bachurin's generals (May 10, 2002) Topics: Dynamical systems, Stochastic processes. Commitee: Ya.G. Sinai (chair), J. Mather, H.Oh (lasted about 1:40) Algebra: What is a Lie group? Examples. What is a simple Lie group? What can you say about SU(2). How does SL2(R) appear in dynamical systems? Subgroups corresponding to geodesic and horocyclic flows. Prove that A_n(n\geq 5) is simple. What is a separable extension. Give a polynomial with S_3 as a Galois group. Real Analysis mixed with Stochastic proceses: State Radon-Nykodim thm., give example of a meager set of full measure, of a nonmeasurable set. What is a Banach space, L^p. Hilbert space. What is a conditional expectation? Why does it exist? When do two Wiener processes induce absolutely continuous (wrt to each other) measure on C[0,1]? Is it true, that for every sequence a_n of real numbers there exists a function whose nth derivative at zero is equal to a_n? Is the integral of a Markov process a Markov process itself? Complex analysis: Prove Riemann Mapping theorem. What is an entire function? Weierstrass factorization theorem. Why there are no doubly periodic functions of order one? Give an example of a Phragmen-Lindelof theorem. Dynamical systems: Poincare-Bendixson theory. What is a rotation number of a homeomorphism of a circle? When can a diffeomorphism be conjugated with rotation. What about smoothness of conjugacy? Do you know the Hermann Theorem? What is a hyperbolic fixed point? What are Anosov diffeomorphisms? What can you say about them (structure stability, periodic points are dense)? What is a homoclinic point? What can you say if you have an intersection of stable and unstable manifolds? What do you know about family of unimodal maps (x\to ax(1-x))? Define topological and metric entropies.