Sponsors: CUNY Graduate Center and the Mathematics Department of Princeton University.

Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University) | Alejandro Adem (UBC) |
Anton Ayzenberg (Osaka City
University) |
Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner
(Harvard University) |
Michael Davis (Ohio State
University) |
Jesus Gonzalez (CINVESTAV) |
Yael Karshon (University of
Toronto) |
Nick Kuhn (University of
Virginia) |
Mikiya Masuda (Osaka City University) | Santiago López de Medrano (UNAM) |
Haynes Miller (MIT) | Jeremy Miller (Stanford) |
Taras Panov (Moscow State University) | Doug Ravenel (University of Rochester) |
Dong Youp Suh (KAIST) | Rob Thompson (CUNY) |
Susan Tolman (Urbana) | Michael Wiemeler (University of Augsburg) |
Gareth Williams (Open University/Cornell) | W. Stephen Wilson (Johns Hopkins) |
Chairs of the lecture sessions:
Sylvain Cappell (Courant Institute) | Don Davis (Lehigh University) |
Jim Milgram (Stanford) | Jo Nelson (IAS) |
Peter Landweber (Rutgers University) | Bill Singer (Fordham University) |
Alex Suciu (Northeastern) | John McCleary (Vassar) |
Joe Neisendorfer (University of Rochester) |
Miguel Xicotencatl |
Ernesto Lupercio |
Evening session speakers:
Ana Rita Pires | Agnès Beaudry |
Don Stanley |
Shinataro Kuroki |
Mainak Poddar |
Suyoung Choi |
Fatemeh Mohammadi |
Jongbaek Song |
Tony Bahri, Bill Browder, Fred Cohen and Tara Holm.
It is planned that the proceedings of the conference will be contained in a special volume of the Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana dedicated to Sam Gitler. The volume will not be restricted to conference participants, all mathematicians are invited to submit high quality papers.