Bibliography of Nicholas M. Katz

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C.V. of Nicholas M. Katz

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Photo from 60'th Birthday Conference

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Photo from 60'th Birthday Conference (high resolution version)

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V-Strom DL650 suspension adjustment

fans of MONODROMY.COM can find most of it at its new home

Nicholas M. Katz PDF and DVI files available for download

Some older work can be found HERE (listed alphabetically by title) recent work is below (most recent first)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep)Airy sheaves of Laurent type: an introduction

pdf file(415 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep) On some Airy sheaves of Laurent type

pdf file(441 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep)Moments, exponential sums, and monodromy groups

pdf file(745 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep) Condition (S+) in ranks 4,8, and 9

pdf file(334 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep)Exponential Sums, Hypergeometric Sheaves, and Monodromy Groups

pdf file(2.4 MB)

Some open questions about curves and abelian varieties over finite fields

pdf file(216 KB)

Erratum to "Nilpotent Connections and the Monodromy Theorem"

pdf file(127 KB)

(joint with Antonio Rojas-Leon and Pham Huu Tiep)Rigid Local Systems and Sporadic Simple Groups

pdf file (1.2 MB)

(joint with Levent Alpoge,Gabriel Navarro, E.A. O'Brien, and Pham Huu Tiep) Local Systems and Suzuki Groups (published version)

pdf file (735 KB)

Exponential Sums and Finite Groups(slides of talk at Luc Illusie 81 conference)

pdf file(162 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep)Hypergeometric Sheaves and Finite Symplectic and Unitary Groups

pdf file (949 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep) Exponential sums and total Weil representations of finite symplectic and unitary groups

pdf file (623 KB)

(revised version)pdf file(698 KB)


pdf file (1400 KB)


pdf file(137KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep) Rigid local systems and finite general linear groups

pdf file (343 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep)Moments of Weil representations of finite special unitary groups

pdf file (368 KB)

(joint with Antonio Rojas Leon and Pham Huu Tiep)A rigid local system with monodromy group the big Conway group 2.Co_1, and two others with monodromy group the Suzuki group 6.Suz

pdf file (477 KB)

(joint with Antonio Rojas Leon and Pham Huu Tiep) Rigid local systems with monodromy group the Conway group Co_2

pdf file (367 KB)

(joint with Antonio Rojas Leon and Pham Huu Tiep) Rigid local systems with monodromy group the Conway group Co_3

pdf file (357 KB)

(joint with Antonio Rojas Leon) A rigid local system with monodromy group 2.J_2

pdf file (336 KB)

How hard is it to be ordinary? (slides of talk at Loeser 60 conference)

pdf file (258 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep) Rigid local systems,moments, and finite unitary groups

pdf file (451 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep)Local systems and finite unitary and symplectic groups

pdf file (419 KB)
(published version)pdf file (550 KB)

(joint with Pham Huu Tiep) Rigid local systems and finite symplectic groups

pdf file (416 KB)

(published version) pdf file (612 KB)

A note on galois representations with big image

pdf file (307 KB)

Rigid Local Systems and Alternating Groups (joint with Guralnick and Tiep), to appear in Tunisian Journal of Mathematics

pdf file(385 KB)

Exponential Sums, Ree Groups and Suzuki Groups:Conjectures

pdf file(292 KB)

published version pdf file(612 KB)

Corrigendum pdf file(92 KB)

Rigid local systems on \A^1 with finite monodromy (with an appendix by Pham Huu Tiep) to appear in Mathematika

pdf file(509 KB)

pdf file(published version 595 KB)

G_2 and some exceptional Witt vector identities

pdf file(299 KB)

Witt Vectors and a Question of Rudnick and Waxman

pdf file(376 KB)

pdf file (published version;240 KB)

A note on Random matrix integrals, moment identities, and Catalan numbers

pdf file(98 K)

pdf file (published version;101 KB)

Searching for thin groups (slides of talk at Sarnak Birthday conference)

pdf file(137 K)

On a question of Rudnick: do we have square root cancellation for error terms in moment calculations?

pdf file(303 K)


pdf file(334 K)


pdf file(289 K)

Equidistribution questions arising from universal extensions(published version)

pdf file(153 K)

Wieferich past and future

pdf file(335 K)

A note on RH for curves and hypersurfaces over finite fields(typo's corrected Jan. 7, 2014)

pdf file(300 K)

Sato-Tate in the higher dimensional case: elaboration of 9.5.4 in Serre's N_X(p) book

pdf file(359 K)

On a question of Zannier

pdf file(279K)

published version pdf file(609K)

Elliptic convolution, G_2, and elliptic surfaces

pdf file(283 K)

Simple Things We Don't Know

pdf file(252 K)

On the graph attached to truncated big Witt vectors (Warning to the Reader, explaining relation to work of S.D.Cohen, added March 14, 2012)

pdf file(176 K)

Witt vectors and a question of Keating and Rudnick(to appear in IMRN)

pdf file(369 K)

On a question of Keating and Rudnick about primitive Dirichlet characters with squarefree conductor(new longer title: to appear in IMRN)

pdf file(369 K)

Rigid Local Systems and a Problem of Wootters(typo's corrected Sept. 2012)

pdf file(427 KB)

Convolution and Equidistribution: Sato-Tate Theorems for Finite-Field Mellin Transforms(new title, now in book form, updated July 14, 2011)

pdf file(908 KB)

2,3,5, Legendre:\pm Trace ratios in families of elliptic curves (typo's corrected August 18, 2010)

pdf file(213 KB)

(joint with Guralnick and Harris) Automorphic realization of residual Galois representations

pdf file (269 KB)

Lang-Trotter revisited (published version)

pdf file (487 KB)

(joint with Bombieri)A Note on Lower Bounds for Frobenius Traces(revised Sept. 10, 2009)

pdf file (187 KB)

(joint with Dettweiler) Appendix: On Galois Representations with values in G_2 (appendix to a paper of Dettweiler and Reiter, to appear in Compositio)

pdf file (142 KB)

pdf file (914 KB)(entire article, published version)

From Clausen to Carlitz: low-dimensional spin groups and identities among character sums

pdf file (296 KB)

pdf file (published version;368 KB)

Estimates for nonsingular mixed character sums (Thm. 3.1 improved Feb 19,2007, Appendix added and typo's corrected Feb. 24, more typo's fixed Aug 11, 2007)

pdf file (201 KB)

published IMRN version pdf file 1 87( KB)

On a question of Bombieri and Bourgain(version of July 14, 2008; to appear in Forum Mathematicum)

pdf file (159 KB)

Another look at the Dwork family (revised Feb.4,2007; adds App. III,corrects more typo's)

pdf file (331 KB)

Manin Festschrift version (to appear) pdf file (354 KB)

Estimates for mixed character sums (to appear in GAFA)

pdf file (216 KB)

version to appear in GAFA pdf file (274 KB)

On a question of Browning and Heath-Brown

pdf file (254 KB)

version to appear in Analytic Number Theory: Essays in Honor or Klaus Roth

pdf file (253 KB)

Appendix: Lefschetz pencils with imposed subvarieties

pdf file (164 KB)

Report on the irreducibility of L-functions (to appear in Lang memorial volume)

pdf file (280 KB)

E-polynomials, zeta-equivalence, and polynomial-count varieties (appendix to a paper of Rodriguez-Villegas and Hausel)

pdf file(138 KB)

pdf file(entire article 689KB)

G_2 and hypergeometric sheaves (corrections to 10.1,10.2 added June 11,2008, correction to 9.1 added January 24, 2016)

pdf file (468 KB)

Corrections to "G_2 and hypergeometric sheaves" (as of January 42, 2016)

pdf file (145 KB)

On a question of Lillian Pierce

dvi file (44 KB)

pdf file (982 KB)

Hooley parameters for families of exponential sums over finite fields

pdf file (122KB)

Notes on G_2, determinants, and equidistribution (typo's corrected Dec. 9, 2003)

pdf file (213KB)

pdf file (464KB:published version)

(joint with Esnault) Cohomological divisibility and point count divisibility (corrected version of nov. 10, 2003)

dvi file (41 KB)

pdf file (187 KB)

Corrected version of Chapter 5 of "Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy"

pdf file (201KB)

Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity: a Diophantine Perspective

Space filling curves over finite fields (see corrections below)

pdf file (198 KB)

Corrections to "Space filling curves over finite fields"

dvi file (12 KB)

pdf file (88 KB)

(joint with Pandharipande) Inequalities related to Lefschetz pencils and integrals of Chern classes

pdf file (80 KB)

(joint with Fouvry) A general stratification theorem for exponential sums, and applications

pdf file (368 KB)

Estimates for "nonsingular" multiplicative character sums

dvi file (60 KB)

pdf file (206 KB)

A semicontinuity result for monodromy under degeneration

dvi file (36 KB)

pdf file (163 KB)

Sato-Tate Equidistribution of Kurlberg-Rudnick Sums

pdf file (94 KB)

AWS2000 Lectures: L -functions and monodromy: four lectures on Weil II

pdf file (184 KB)

Larsen's Alternative, Moments, and the Monodromy of Lefschetz Pencils

pdf file (539 KB)

Sums of Betti numbers in arbitrary characteristic

pdf file (83 KB)

Frobenius-Schur indicator & the ubiquity of Brock-Granville Quadratic Excess

pdf file (93 KB)

Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy (whole book)

pdf file (909 KB)

Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy (introduction only)

pdf file (95 KB)

(joint with de Jong) Monodromy and the Tate Conjecture:Picard numbers and Mordell-Weil ranks in families

pdf file (181 KB)

Estimates for "singular" exponential sums

pdf file (154 KB)

(joint with Tate) Bernard Dwork (1923-1998)

pdf file (128 KB)

manuscript of Rigid Local Systems, with corrections

pdf file (1.06 MB)

Corrections to Rigid Local Systems

pdf file (76 KB)

manuscript of Exponential Sums and Differential Equations, with corrections

pdf file (1.98 MB)

Corrections to Exponential Sums and Differential Equations

pdf file (105 KB)

scan of Katz-Mazur (now searchable; downloads but does not open in Safari)

djvu file (7.38 MB)

Corrected version of 6.16.6 in Katz-Sarnak

pdf file (75 KB)

Katz-Sarnak the book, blurry but searchable

pdf file (6.88 MB)

Katz,Sommes Exponentielles, blurry but searchable

pdf file (14.18 MB)

Subject index to Katz-Sarnak

pdf file (44 KB)

Notation index to Katz-Sarnak

pdf file (73 KB)

Katz, Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy

pdf file (6.4 MB)

djvu version djvu file (7.8 MB)

Nicholas M. Katz books on Amazon

In association with
Buy Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity:A Diophantine Perspective in paperback
Buy Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy in paperback
B uy Katz-Sarnak
Buy Exponential Sums and Differential Equations in paperback
Buy Rigid Local Systems in hardcover
Buy Rigid Local Systems in softcover
Buy Katz-Mazur
Search for Exponential Sums and Differential Equations in hardback
S earch for Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups in hardcover
S earch for Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups in softcover