The symposium, where I was among the "keynote" speakers, was at the Huxley building of Imperial College and running from Monday 7 July 2003 through Friday 11 July 2002. And there were also "training sessions" (in use of the software) for interested persons which were held on the Sunday before and the Saturday after the meetings. I spoke on how I had been using MATHEMATICA in my work on the game models of the type in AGENCIES (here). I used the talk materials as prepared for my talk earlier in 2003 in Napoli (which was the latest lecture on the topic of game theory and economic interest). (It happened that progress since then had been slow, because of difficulties in actually finding solutions by computational means.) (You can go to the appropriate directory under AGENCIES to access the materials of the talk text as of then.) Also three files of the actual programming for use of MATHEMATICA that I had been using were included to illustrate the key topic of the applicability of the MATHEMATICA software "to complex problems in game theory". These files, in a form with the original text and font format (rather than the large font used to make the display transparencies) are included here in this special directory with info. relating to "IMS03".