This event was in Stony Brook, Long Island, New York State, USA and it began on 28 July and continued through 29 July (2003). I spoke on the 2nd day in an afternoon slot. My theme was my project work and current model of the thematic idea of "Agencies". And to this I added, for this occasion, a special commentary keyed to game values and to the question of to what extent the effect of "independence of irrelevant alternatives" might be expected to apply in relation to the relative importance of the strengths of relatively weak coalitions. Aside from this special topic I used the same text and graphical displays that had been prepared for Napoli. (The actual circumstance is that the actual FINDING of solutions in some of the areas or ranges of alternative parameter values has "bogged down" and better means of searching for them and refining approximate results need to be found.) ////////////////////////////////// The "special commentary" is included in this directory linked to the Shapley event while the other material can be found associated with "Napoli". Two text document versions are included here of this text. There is a plain text version and an MSWORD "filename.doc" which is in the large font format that was used for the "transparencies" used for the visual display at my actual lecture at Stony Brook.