Pro-Cooperative Games Related to the display charts we are presenting is a concept of "pro-cooperative games". From the viewpoint of evolution (like in Nature) there could be circumstances where three species of animals (or plants) might naturally, in a particular localized environmental location, find only one natural equilibrium mode of existence. But on the other hand, in a different localized environment (or with different species) there might naturally be more than one stable equilibrium. Our analogous observation with the three-party "cooperative" games that we are studying (described by a characteristic function with b1, b2, and b3 representing v(2,3), v{1,3), and v(1,2)) is that if b1, b2, and b3 are all small that then it is natural for there to be only an unique "central" equilibrium of cooperation (or of "bargaining" or negotiation) but that if b1, b2, and b3 were all with slightly different sizes but all near in size to 3/4 then that it would seem to be entirely natural for there to be three distinct possibilities for a stable equilibrium (as if under evolution). That is, any pair of the players could have a stable alliance excluding the outside player and the members of this pair of players could be allocating to each of themselves at least 3/8 of the total game resources (and thus more than a comparative quota of 1/3). And, at least in part, it was learning, in a seminar, of Prof. Maskin's concept of "externalities" as affecting the outcomes of games otherwise described by a characteristic function that stimulated me to think of this idea of circumstances that would modify an effective game context. So I arrived at the concept of some games being distinguishable as of "pro-cooperative" type. But I must cautiously remark here that I DO NOT have a PRECISE concept of a difference between pro-cooperative games and those not of that type. But if we have any specific modeling of the games in terms of a repeated games equilibrium then there could be values of b1, b2, and b3 for which the equilibrium would be unique and other values for which it would be non-unique and this phenomenon could be viewed as corresponding to the concept or issue of pro-cooperative games.