Djordje Milicevic - General Examination Committee: Andrew Wiles (Chair), Peter Sarnak, Charles Fefferman Advanced Topics: Analytic Number Theory, Algebraic Number Theory Coordinates: 602, May 20, 2002. Exam lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes (1.30-3.50). m: I'm yours. S: Why don't we start with real? F: Write Poisson summation formula. In dimension 1 of course. Prove it. Why does the Fourier series of a nice function converge to it? (yes, they ask you to prove tautologies sometimes. and these can be puzzling. I first proposed orthogonal complement zero but was unable to complete this triviality. Then I said OK let's approximate interval, which is to say that sum(sin(nx)/n)=sgn(x), then I turned this into an integral, used R-L lemma, and would you believe I was lost once again. Finally made it.) m: I'm already humiliated enough. F: Everyone can be humiliated, it's just that it is you at the board (how comforting). Well, I'm satisfied with the real. (Sure he was). S: Let's move to complex. Why don't you write down the general Poisson summation. "How many lattices are there in R^2?" (He wanted the fundamental region for SL_2(Z). Notice how nicely focused the questions tend to be.) Now generalize to n dimensions. To help me, he asked: "How would you integrate over lattices?" We did this. Onward: Riemann mapping theorem (he actually preferred my expert hand waving plus the argument outline to the formal details). What group do the automorphisms of the unit disk form? Hint: I am asking you the question. (Aha, SL_2(R)). Conformal equivalence of annuli. Conformal equivalence of simply connected compact Riemann surfaces. (I added the Abel-Jacobi theorem. I was then informed that 'Abel' should be pronounced as in original, whereas 'Abelian' may be Americanized. Curiously enough, they didn't protest my Americanization of 'Jacobi'). Zero-free entire functions of finite order (=e^poly-s. I also mentioned order/genus theorem.) S (to W): Hey, you're supposed to be the chair. Why don't you ask him some algebra? W: Multiplicative group of a finite field is cyclic. Compute the Galois group of x^5-2. Brauer theorem. S: Describe and define induction. Frobenius reciprocity. How do you compute dimensions of irreducible representations in induction. Maschke theorem. (S insisted that I prove it, which was a futile pain as I hadn't reviewed group representations. Embarrassment again.) [It's possible W asked some more algebra, but my memory goes only about this far.] They offered to take a break now, which I declined, so we forced forward to Algebraic. W: Describe units in quadratic fields. How do you compute fundamental units (cont'd fractions). How do you solve x^2+7=y^3? (I said first I'd like to check that Q(sqrt(-7)) is PID, but he threatened to change 7 to a large number, so we agreed to temporarily ignore pid-ness and be happy with class number (=1!) being prime to 3.) Finiteness of class group + Minkowski bound. Hilbert class field(s) (I described the relation between HFs offhand, to his ambivalence). Why does every ground ideal become principal (Ver:G/G'->G'/G'' is trivial. Of course they don't expect you to actually prove this group-theoretic beast.) Why does every principal prime decompose completely. Class field tower problem. Ray class fields. Kronecker-Weber. Artin map (I described the global reciprocity with this.) When can you make it explicit? (I offered Lubin-Tate theory for local extensions, but all he wanted was-) Describe it explicitly in cyclotomic extensions. S: Let's move continously. (to Analytic.) m: We should move to Professor Fefferman (who was sitting in the middle) if we want to move continuously. (My remark was graciously ignored. In what follows the order of questions is probably not as it was in the real life, where it started with something number-fieldish. Later he changed to core analytic by saying "now let's go for the real thing".) S: Zeta not zero on the sigma=1 line (I noted that a modified argument works for Dirichlet L f-ns.), oh well does it work for Dedekind zeta (clearly yes), la Valle-Poussin and Vinogradov's mean value method zero-free regions. L(1,chi)<>0. (I gave an elementary argument from Murty's book, then offered zeta of cyclotomic field and class number formula. He liked the first two -- ) [Oh, is that formula for zeta of cyclotomic extension really automatic? He knew it isn't so we did that as well.] ( -- and noted that the first one actually gives 1/sqrt(q) bound, but nevertheless opted for the third. I gave the general class no formula.) Give an explicit lower bound from this (log(q)/sqrt(q)). Improve - aka Siegel theorem with proof. Why are coefficients positive (this is zeta of a biquadratic field; or elementarily), discuss ineffectivity. Why don't you finally define Artin L-series. Then talk a while about them, zeta_L/zeta_K formula and such. Would you expect Dedekind zeta to have multiple zeroes? (I said yes, given that Artin's have zeroes at all, which provoked some amusement and-) Now prove that Dedekind zeta has non-trivial zeroes at all. (Now I was amused.) Hint: is it of finite order? (Then, after quickly dismissing any thought of partial summation, I said sure as each completed partial zeta is the Mellin transform of an integral of the corresponding theta over a compact fundamental domain in norm-one-surface. Then it can't be zero-free for it would be e^poly). How could you force a double zero at 1/2? (S then hinted at how to do this.) Why doesn't three primes work for two primes. Then S asked the final amusement question about L^1 norm of an exponential sum over primes actually being large, which clearly remained unanswered, as was the expectation. At this point three out of four were happy. m: Could we perhaps do some more real? S (with smile): Don't worry. If we decide to fail you because of the real, we'll first ask you some more of it. Then I was asked to leave the room. A minute later they congratulated me. In the end they were very satisfied, or at least so did they act. Despite some obvious pitfalls my performance was mostly even up to my satisfaction. Committee was generally nice, and Wiles even seemed to have prepared his questions in advance. The following is a short, manifestly non-comprehensive list of books I actually enjoyed reading during the pre-exam hell, most of which generally, and undeservedly, don't seem to be in wider use at Fine. Real - Folland for general stuff, Dym&McKean for Fourier analysis. Algebra - Bell&Alperin (some of it is obviously fatally obscure though) Algebraic NT - Neukirch's Algebraische Zahlentheorie (there is an English translation). Most definitely worthwhile reading, give every word whatever time it takes. Analytic NT - Murty's introductory problem book for fun. Vaughan's book on Hardy-Littlewood method. Do the exercises in the latter. I am eternally thankful to Akshay, Andy and Harald, for careful realization of the wonderful and most useful mock exam, and praising me when comforts were actually deserved. Also to other supportive few. Some advice is in place to the poor yet-have-to-pass colleagues. 1. Do not overstudy for the elementary topics. You'll end up forgetting all the nonsense (cf. above). 2. Do not ignore this database. 3. You have all your life to impress the mathematical community; generals aren't exactly the best opportunity. Don't even try. And keep this rule above your work desk. 4. Take a mock exam. 5. Leave absolutely nothing for the last few days. Remember, "last 10% of the work take another 90% of the time". 6. Finally, generals, just as math anyway, are not about knowing everything. Relax.