Committee: Peter Sarnak (chair), John Conway, Nicolas Templier Special topics: Functional Analysis and Analytic Number Theory Examinee: Matthew de Courcy-Ireland Date: May 9, 2013 Duration: 3 hours COMPLEX ANALYSIS (asked by Sarnak) What's an entire function? What's the order of an entire function? What's the order of a bounded entire function? What more can you say about bounded entire functions? Prove Liouville's Theorem. How do you prove Schwarz's Lemma? Now take a harmonic function. What's the relation between harmonic functions and analytic functions? How do you prove that a bounded harmonic function is constant? What about subharmonic functions? How do you solve the Dirichlet problem? At my suggestion, still asked by Sarnak (who says he never asks students to prove Picard's Big Theorem): Given an analytic (or harmonic, or subharmonic) function in a semidisk bounded by 1 on the interval [-1,1] and by 2 on the upper half of the unit circle, bound the function inside the semidisk. What's harmonic measure? Prove Picard's big theorem. I don't think the examiners had ever seen the proof I sketched of Picard's Theorem. At least, Sarnak said he hadn't. They seemed impressed, and I'm glad I plunged into it, because I got off to an atrocious start botching the proof of Liouville's Theorem. ALGEBRA Conway: Tell me about groups of order mp where p is prime and m < p (more specifically, show that such a group has a normal subgroup of order p). Conway: Classify the groups of order 28, giving a presentation (generators and relations) for the semidirect product of a cyclic group of order 4 and a cyclic group of order 7. Along the way, what's the automorphism group of a cyclic group of prime order? Conway, Sarnak, and Templier: Talk about representation theory. Does a given finite group always have a faithful matrix representation? What do you think are the most important theorems in representation theory? What's an irreducible representation? How can you decompose a representation into irreducible representations? What's Maschke's Theorem? What field are you working over? What if you have a finite field? What kind of decomposition can you get instead of direct sum? What goes wrong if p divides the order of the group? How does the regular representation decompose? How many times does each irreducible representation appear in this decomposition? What numerical relation does that imply about the dimensions of the irreducible representations? Conway and Sarnak: What's the character of a representation? What kind of function is it [class function]? Does a character determine an irreducible representation? What's the notion of equivalence for representations? What are the orthogonality relations? Write down the character table for S3, the symmetric group on 3 letters. Could all its irreducible representations be 1-dimensional? What kind of groups have only 1-dimensional irreducible representations? Sarnak: For which matrices B can you solve the equation e^A = B? Prove it. How can you write the solution? This was over the complex numbers. Conway asked what happens over the real numbers. I think Sarnak pointed out that it's possible to define the exponential even over a finite field. Templier: If you have a compact Lie group, when is the exponential map onto? Why is it onto in the case of a torus? How do you reduce to the case of a torus? Why can you conjugate any element of the group into a given maximal torus? REAL ANALYSIS Sarnak: What's an integrable function? What's a measurable function? What's a Borel set? What's a Lebesgue measurable set? Construct a non-measurable set. Why is that set not measurable? Conway: Why would that non-measurable set have to have non-zero measure if it were measurable [my argument that it was not measurable was that, if it were, its measure would have to be both zero and non-zero]? Sarnak: What kind of function is the Fourier transform of an integrable function? Is the Fourier transform a bounded operator from L^1 to C_0? Does it have a kernel (i.e. is it injective?). Is it onto? If it were onto, what could you say about the inverse? What's the theorem you're using? Why is the example you've given not the transform of any integrable function? The example I gave of a function that's not the Fourier transform of any integrable function was 1/log(x) for x bigger than 2, defined for x less than -2 to make it odd, and linear in between to make it continuous. Templier asked what would happen if you replaced 1/log with other powers of log. What's the critical exponent? What happens if you put factors of loglog(x) in the denominator? Aside (I brought it up, and then Sarnak decided to use it in some examples later): Fourier coefficients of the Cantor staircase measure. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS Sarnak: What can you say about finitely additive measures on the real line (or the circle) that are invariant under translation (or rotation)? Do you think Lebesgue measure is the only one? How can you construct many? What's the Hahn-Banach theorem? What assumptions are needed here? Does the subspace have to be closed? Is this only for Banach spaces? What space are measures dual to? What space are finitely additive measures dual to? Sarnak: State the spectral theorem in its most general form. What is a self-adjoint operator? How is the adjoint defined? What is its domain? Does A* have to be self-adjoint? I trust you've looked at examples. What kind of decomposition can you do on the spectral measure? What's the Radon-Nikodym theorem? What is the spectrum [the definition, not in terms of the spectral measure]? What kind of subset of the complex plane is the resolvent set? Consider the example of an operator on L^2(the circle) given by convolving with a measure, specifically the Cantor staircase measure. What's the spectrum of that? What unitary transformation and measure space can you use for the spectral theorem in this case? Prove the spectral theorem in the finite-dimensional case. Sarnak: What's a compact operator? Sarnak: State the Hodge Theorem on harmonic differential forms. What's the Laplacian? Why is the kernel of the Laplacian finite-dimensional? What compactness theorem are you using? Define the Sobolev space that's relevant here. Prove that this Sobolev space, namely H^1, embeds compactly into L^2 in the case that the manifold is a circle. What's the name of the finite-dimensional compactness theorem you're using here? ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY Conway [while Templier was thinking of a good sieve question to ask]: Describe the circle method. Sarnak: What do you do for the minor arcs to prove that every large odd number is a sum of three primes? Sarnak: What's Weyl's inequality? ADVICE AND OTHER COMMENTS Executive summary: Don't worry, bring drinking water to the exam, and get some practice writing at the blackboard beforehand (by giving a talk at the Graduate Student Seminar, for instance -- it's supposed to be good luck!). When picking your special topics, there are a lot of ways to go. I suggest that you make your life easier by picking one topic you already know well. Pick another topic that you want to learn and worry you might not learn as well if you don't force yourself to learn it for the exam. The list of questions above probably doesn't give a very accurate impression of what the exam was like. First of all, my examiners were extremely fun, friendly, and forthcoming with hints. I think most generals committees are at least somewhat friendly and helpful, but I was really glad I suggested this one. They cracked a good number of jokes, most of which were at my expense, in retrospect. At any rate, this made for as relaxed an examination as possible. They all laughed at my weird, very far from French pronounciation of "Borel" -- it more or less rhymed with "quarrel". Peter commented on my lovely Gothic capital letter S for the singular series in the circle method. He said "That proves you read Davenport!" and maybe that's why he didn't press for many details. I admitted that I didn't know it stood for singular series (Peter, surprised: "Really? You didn't catch on to that?") and that, moreover, I wasn't even sure if it was an S or a G (Nicolas: "No, no, it's a German S"). I wanted to write out the matrices for the 2-dimensional representation of S_3 and calculate their traces, but they pointed out that I could fill in that last row of the character table using the orthogonality relations since I already had the first two rows from the 1-dimensional representations. I screwed that up repeatedly. At one point, John asked "How many of the numbers you just wrote down are correct?" I replied "Zero! This is why I wanted to write the matrices!!" The examiners don't (at least mine didn't) have a list of questions to ask you. There's more of a flow to it. For example, I mentioned that I might be able to find a specific matrix realization of the group of order 28 I had given a presentation for. Peter asked "Do you know how to represent a group by matrices in general?" I replied "In principle...", Peter inquired most considerately "Do you want to be asked?", I affirmed, and that's how we segued into representation theory. These types of things give you a modest amount of influence over what you are asked if you can smell what might come next. You also will probably be allowed to choose which core topic (algebra, real, or complex) to start with. I exerted some more influence by simply telling them I had expected questions about semidisks and Picard's Theorems and diving into that. Peter said something like "Okay, you'll both ask and answer the questions now." "I don't know" is an acceptable response more often than you might think. For the question about the Dirichlet problem, I said "I can think of a bunch of ways to start off [Perron's method where you take the sup of all subharmonic functions with boundary values less than or equal to the given boundary data, Schwarz's alternating method, using Hahn-Banach to extend from the subspace of boundary data with solvable Dirichlet problem, Brownian motion, getting a weak solution and then using elliptic regularity,...] but I doubt I'll be able to finish any of them off" and we left it at that. At one point, I said "I don't know" and John said something like "Well, I can't claim that's not a correct answer." Peter initially wanted the spectral theorem for normal operators. I said "Let me do self-adjoint first" and we never went back to normal. I forgot exactly what some of the terms in Weyl's inequality were, but the examiners seemed happy with my half-remembered upper bound and sketchy "repeatedly square and use Cauchy-Schwarz" outline of the proof. For the most part, the examiners seemed to prefer examples and applications of theorems to their proofs. For example, nobody wanted to see a proof of Sylow's Theorems. They wanted to see them in action. For representation theory, they were content to see statements of facts and a worked example with few to no proofs. That might be because I had indicated my representation theory was shaky. The functional analysis section also felt more example-based. Before getting into the example of the spectral theorem, I asked "Should I be sketching a proof of the spectral theorem?" and got an unhesitating "No." in reply. The complex analysis questions were mostly proof-oriented. There wasn't much in the way of real analysis, maybe because my special topics were analytical. For analytic number theory, I suggest that you concentrate on additive number theory more than multiplicative number theory. In my case, it might be that there were no questions like "Prove the Prime Number Theorem" because we were running short on time. We only talked about analytic number theory for 15 minutes or so. Nevertheless, judging from other people's generals as well as my own, I think the most important topic for this part of the exam is the proof of Vinogradov's 3 Primes Theorem. If you really go through the details, you'll be forced to learn quite a lot of multiplicative number theory anyway. My worst performances were on elementary questions I hadn't thought about much since early in my undergraduate degree. When you're studying, I suggest that you not neglect topics that seem too basic. It was particularly Liouville's Theorem, diagonalizability of Hermitian matrices, and matrix exponentiatials/logarithms that tripped me up. I embarked on a proof of Liouville's Theorem by rescaling to get a function from the unit disk to the unit disk and applying Schwarz's Lemma. I made the unfortunate choice of using a capital letter R to denote a variable that would later have to tend to 0 instead of infinity, and got stuck as a result. By that point, I couldn't remember that in the usual proof, you use Cauchy's formula for the first derivative, not for the function itself. For the finite-dimensional spectral theorem, I remembered that there is a nice proof using Lagrange multipliers, but I needed a hint from Peter (Sarnak) to use the variational characterization of the biggest eigenvalue (namely, the maximum of for v a unit vector). Then I got confused and ended up not using Lagrange multipliers but finding the maximum a different way after many hints from all three of the examiners. For solving e^A = B, I arrived at the correct answer (you can solve it if and only if B is invertible) by getting a necessary condition from the equation det(e^A) = e^trace(A). To prove that invertibility is sufficient, I used the Jordan form. I started with the power series for log(B)=log(I-(I-B)), but that only works if B is close to the identity matrix. Then I tried to work out e^A and guess what A has to be, but floundered. Finally, with some help from Peter, I got the point: the Jordan form expresses B as a diagonal matrix plus a nilpotent matrix. You can easily take exp or log of the diagonal part regardless of how large the eigenvalues are, and the nilpotent term goes away after finitely many terms in a power series expansion. CURIOUS OMISSIONS I was surprised nobody asked for the statement or proof of the Riemann Mapping Theorem or, indeed, anything at all about conformal mapping. I also thought "What's the order of an entire function?" was a sure lead-in to Jensen's formula, and maybe it would have been if I hadn't taken so long muddling around with Liouville's Theorem. I thought Peter would ask about proving the Peter-Weyl Theorem as an application of functional analysis. I was sure there would be something about modules over PID and canonical forms. Maybe there would have been if I hadn't taken so long on e^A = B. BOOKS I LIKE For analytic number theory, read Davenport's books Multiplicative Number Theory and Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Inequalities. Those together cover more than enough for the exam, with one exception (unless I haven't read them carefully enough). You should also work out a lower bound on the L^1 norm of the exponential sum that appears in the 3 Primes problem. That's why the method doesn't prove Goldbach's Conjecture. Talk to your committee beforehand to find out whether or not they will ask any questions about sieves. For real analysis, I recommend green Rudin (Real and Complex Analysis) or Folland's book "Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications". "Analysis" by Lieb and Loss is great, but there are some standard topics that are not in there and there are many things in there that you would not need to know for this exam. I learned the 1/log example of a function that isn't in the image of the Fourier transform on L^1 from Stein and Weiss, "Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Euclidean Space". Katznelson's "Introduction to Harmonic Analysis" also has a lot of useful material. For complex analysis, green Rudin is good for the most part but maybe doesn't say as much as you would like about the geometric aspects of the subject. To learn more about that, I recommend Zeev Nehari's book "Conformal Mapping". Ahlfors's book Complex Analysis covers more than enough for the exam, although I find the proofs can be hard to remember and he sometimes finesses his way around key issues rather than confronting them directly. If you can find a copy, Titchmarsh's "The Theory of Functions" is wonderful. For algebra, "Abstract Algebra" by Dummit and Foote covers all that you need and more. You could find better treatments of representation theory though. I like Serre's book "Linear Representations of Finite Groups" (at least the first third of the book -- the later parts are more advanced and probably not necessary for the exam unless you've chosen representation theory as a special topic). The French version is probably better than the translation if you read French. If you also want to know about compact groups, I highly recommend Barry Simon's book "Representations of Finite and Compact Groups". Adams' "Lectures on Lie Groups" is very good, but probably unnecessary unless one of your topics involves representation theory or Lie groups. Functional analysis doesn't seem to be a very popular subject. A lot of professors think of it as more of a tool than a topic. If you convince anyone to let you take this for the exam, talk to them about what books to study. I read Yosida's treatise. I found the treatment of the spectral theory hard to follow in that book. Reed and Simon's "Methods of Mathematical Physics" is better on this point. The proof I decided to remember is from some notes by Vojkan Jaksic in volume 1880 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics.