Special Topics: Algebraic number theory, Algebraic geometry Committee: Chris Skinner (chair), Janos Kollar, Sophie Chen Chen: State Fubini's theorem. [I screwed up a bit and stated one of the conclusions as a hypothesis instead. Kollar asked me for a counterexample, and I fixed the statement]. C: Use Fubini's theorem to compute the Gaussian integral. C: When does the series of 1/n^p (for fixed real p) converge? What does this imply if we replace p by a complex number? S: What else can you say about the Riemann zeta function? [Meromorphic continuation, functional equation, etc.]. Can you modify it to be contained in some special class of holomorphic functions? [I had no idea what he was looking for. He said something about the Hadamard factorization theorem, which I didn't know]. C: Can you give a conformal mapping of the upper half-plane onto the unit disc? [I didn't remember this, so I wrote down (az+b)/(cz+d) and then stared at it blankly for a while. Eventually they prodded me to decide where I wanted some particular points to go to compute the right coefficients]. C/S: How do you define the residue of a function at a pole? What's it good for? [Residue theorem, to compute integrals]. What other consequences are there? [Argument principle]. Then they gave me an integral to compute via the residue theorem. I fumbled around a bit but eventually showed how I would set things up, and they said I didn't need to actually do the computation. S: Earlier you gave a conformal mapping of the upper half-plane onto the unit disc; in what generality can you do something like this? [Riemann mapping theorem]. Can you prove it? [Yes; I sketched the proof from Ahlfors.] If the region has a "nice" boundary does the conformal mapping extend to take the boundary to the boundary of a disc. [I said it sounded plausible but I didn't know. He said it was true]. K: In your proof of the Riemann mapping theorem you mentioned Schwarz's lemma. Can you state it? [I did but got confused over whether it needed a hypothesis of "injective".] Well, then do the proof and see if you need that. [I stared at the blackboard for a while. Eventually Kollar suggested I look at f(z)/z and I figured out what to do.] K: What can you say about the ring of functions that are holomorphic in some neighborhood of the origin? What about multiple variables? [I said it should be a UFD and guessed that you could prove this from using that the formal power series ring is a UFD. He asked if I could prove that and I said I didn't really remember how to do so for more than one variable. I said something about the Weierstrass preparation theorem, but couldn't remember the actual statement of it.] What about the ring of entire functions on C? [I got that it was a domain, and Kollar eventually gave me enough hints to produce an ideal that wasn't finitely generated and also wasn't contained in any ideal generated by a linear function z - z_0.] S: Which is your favorite proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra? [Liouville's theorem]. How would you prove it for a group of bright undergraduates? [I asked what I was supposed to assume the undergraduates knew, and he said real analysis. I said I didn't know any real-analytic proofs of it offhand and we moved on]. S: When are two matrices similar? [Rational canonical form]. How do you prove this? [He wanted me to say the fundamental theorem of finitely generated modules over a PID.] S: State the fundamental theorem of Galois theory. S: If we think of the Galois group of a polynomial as contained in S_n (acting on the set of roots), when is it contained in A_n? [Use the discriminant]. Can you compute the discriminant of a polynomial from the coefficients? ["Depends on the polynomial". They prodded me on how I would do it in general but I had no idea.] Skinner then asked some questions about what the splitting of a polynomial over a finite field says about elements of the Galois group of that polynomial over Q, and also about what it says about prime factorization in the extension corresponding to that polynomial. I fumbled over these questions pretty badly. Eventually he said that he would come back to them later, but he never did. K: Compute the genus of y^3 = x^6-1. [I normalized and used Riemann-Hurwitz.] K: If X is a projective scheme over the rationals Q, K a finite extension of Q, and X' the base change of X to K, can you relate the cohomology of the structure sheaf of X' to the cohomology of the structure sheaf of X? [No idea.] What if we just look at H^0? [I still had no idea.] How about for H^0 and if we let X = Spec Q[x]/(x^2+1) and K a field containing Q[i]? [I worked it out in that case. They eventually got me to write it in the correct form so that I could guess that what he originally wanted me to say was that the cohomology of X' was the cohomology of X tensored up to K. Then Kollar asked what statement from Hartshorne would prove this. I said "flat base change" but that I didn't know much about it. Kollar asked what linear algebra fact this related to, and I figured out he was looking for me to say that if you have a vector space and extend scalars to a larger field, it doesn't change the dimension.] S: How would you explain class field theory to someone who wasn't a mathematician? ["Uh..."] Okay, maybe to a mathematician who isn't a number theorist. State any version of the main theorem of class field theory. [I wrote the local one]. What does the inertia subgroup of the Galois group correspond to? [It took a bunch of hints for me to get to "units of the ring of integers".] What is local class field theory good for? [I said "global class field theory".] State the main theorem of global class field theory. What is it good for? What does it let you say about L-functions? [I said a bit about equidistribution results like the Chebotarev density theorem]. Do you know about Artin L-series? [Not really.] At this point they agreed that they were done asking questions, sent me outside for a minute, and then told me that I passed. The exam took about 1 hour and 50 minutes.